The United Nations Refugee agency - UNHCR - has now opened a special appeal for the refugees now flooding across the border into Sudan.
The appeal can be found here. All funds go directly to the UNHCR for their work in tackling this crisis.
This is the information from the UNHCR is from 13 November. The numbers rise daily.
Since the violence began early November, more than 14,500 children, women and men have fled into Sudan in search of safety, overwhelming the current capacity to provide aid.
The numbers are increasing rapidly – with over 4,000 crossing the border in just one day. The majority have crossed at Hamdayet border point in Kassala State and others at Lugdi in Gedaref State.
People are arriving with very few belongings indicating they fled in a hurry.UNHCR and its partners are ramping up assistance, but the numbers of new arrivals are far outpacing the capacity on the ground.
The transit center at Hamdayet border crossing has a capacity to accommodate 300 refugees, but is already overwhelmed with 6,000 people. Sanitation facilities are insufficient, impacting hygiene.