Demonstrations in the Netherlands against war in Tigray

The diaspora community came together to oppose the tragic war in Tigray. The demonstration in the Hague brought together Tigrayans, Eritreans and Oromo. They handed letters to officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Their message was clear: stop the fighting, open the communications and save the lives of all our people.

Brief voor NL Lezer namen Tigray Verenining in NL

Urgent Call to stop the war in Ethiopia-Eritrese Ver



  1. All the government from Emperor Haile Selassie to the Derg military government were kicked out by the people of Ethiopia. TPLF is no exception, they should have left peacefully. Unfortunately, they refuse to relinquish their power. As a matter of fact, they start proxy terrorist organizations like Oneg-shene, and al-Shabaab to destabilize the country. That’s why the war is called surgical, isolate Tplf from the civilian population, and take them out.

    1. Absolutely, l agree with you on thisb100℅. I also want to add this that TPLF did committed looting of government and regional resources, crime against human rights, and last but not least petray their fellow countrymen when TPLF attached the northern military compound.

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