It is worth recalling that when the Tigray war began in November 2020 Prime Minister Abiy denied that it was any such thing. Instead, as he told Ethiopians in a Tweet, the fighting was a “law enforcement operation” that would “wrap up soon”.
Five months later the situation looks rather different, with Abiy accepting that he is engaged in a war in Tigray. “We know the destruction this war has caused,” he said.
(see the Al-Jazeera report below.)
Source: Al Jazeera
Ethiopia PM admits Eritrean soldiers entered Tigray region
Abiy Ahmed acknowledges ‘atrocities committed’ during the conflict in the northern region amid concerns over the humanitarian crisis.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has admitted for the first time that troops from neighbouring Eritrea entered the northern region of Tigray during the conflict that broke out five months ago, suggesting they may have been involved in abuses against civilians.
The admission on Tuesday comes after months of denials from Ethiopia and Eritrea, even as credible accusations from rights groups and residents mounted that Eritrean soldiers have carried out massacres in Tigray following the start of the Ethiopian government’s offensive against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), then the region’s governing party.
Abiy said Eritreans had promised to leave when Ethiopia’s military was able to control the border.
He added that the “Eritrean people and government did a lasting favour to our soldiers”, during the conflict, without giving more details.
“However, after the Eritrean army crossed the border and was operating in Ethiopia, any damage it did to our people was unacceptable,” he said.
“We don’t accept it because it is the Eritrean army, and we would not accept it if it were our soldiers. The military campaign was against our clearly targeted enemies, not against the people. We have discussed this four or five times with the Eritrean government.”
‘War narrative’
The comments also marked the first time Abiy appeared to acknowledge that serious crimes have taken place in Tigray, home to six million people.
“Reports indicate that atrocities have been committed in Tigray region,” Abiy said.
War is “a nasty thing”, he added, speaking the local Amharic language. “We know the destruction this war has caused.”
After months of tension, fighting erupted in Tigray after forces loyal to the TPLF – whose leaders challenged Abiy’s legitimacy after the postponement of elections last year – attacked army bases across the region overnight and in the early hours of November 4.
The attacks initially overwhelmed the federal military, which later launched a counteroffensive alongside Eritrean soldiers and forces from the neighbouring region of Amhara. The federal army is now hunting the fugitive TPLF leadership.
Abiy said soldiers who raped women or committed other war crimes will be held responsible, even though he cited “propaganda of exaggeration”.
He spoke as concerns continue to grow over the humanitarian situation in the embattled region.
Abiy accused the TPLF’s leaders of drumming “a war narrative” while the area faced challenges such as a destructive invasion of locusts and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This was misplaced and untimely arrogance,” he said.
The government’s critics say a continuing federal inquiry is not enough because the government cannot effectively investigate itself.
On Monday, the heads of nine UN agencies and other officials demanded a halt to attacks against civilians in Tigray, “including rape and other horrific forms of sexual violence”.
In a joint statement, the UN agencies, the UN special investigator on the human rights of internally displaced people, and two umbrella organisations representing NGOs also called on all parties in Tigray to explicitly condemn all sexual violence and ensure their forces “respect and protect civilian populations, particularly women and children, from all human rights abuses”.
UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said on Monday the conflict continues to drive massive displacement, with tens of thousands of people arriving into Shire, Axum and Adwa, most fleeing fighting in western Tigray in the last few weeks.
There are also reports of people uprooted by violence in the northwest and central areas, he said.
Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch reported that Eritrean forces shot dead hundreds of children and civilians in a November massacre in Tigray.
An Amnesty International investigation into the same events detailed how Eritrean troops “went on a rampage and systematically killed hundreds of civilians in cold blood”.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres joined calls for the Eritrean troops to leave Tigray while the UN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, urged an investigation into the situation.
Yes, this is called cow turn. I am not surprised the least. This is typical Abiy, lying all the time. Lying is part of him. He is deceptive. He even deceives himself. How will his follower Amharas deceive themselves now. They have destroyed their nation, their heritage, their language simply for the temporary satisfaction of vindication. They were extremely angry on the TPLF and now they feel vindicated by the sufferings of their own Abyssinian cousins. They will be remembered as the Amharas who destroyed the Abyssinian culture and history.
In other words, may i sur.ise ‘remembred as the amara-elites out witted by a single oromo - Abiy - who had a far reaching agend all along’!
I can’t believe my own theory as he is the worest enemy of democracy in Ethiopia.
But who knows!
Though a legend, Queen of Saba’s travels to Jerusalem, which happened about 3 thousand years ago, has still wide currency in Ethiopia. However, the recent invasion of the Eritrean army (ወደ ትግሪይ ስሄዱ), authenticated by satellite pictures, intercepted signals, videos and photographs was disputed and denied, until yesterday. The public accepts, the alleged sexual liaison between Saba and Solomon, but refuses to admit the mass rape, mass killings, rampant looting and destruction that occurred in Tigray, Ethiopia. The Enigmatic Ethiopia!?
To the naïve, it might look like ‘an American envoy came and convinced Abiy to a point he turned 180 degree on his policies’. That is not so at all.
First, let alone a 180 turn, there is no a single degree change in his usual ways. Observe how he is making the naked aggression of Isias a self defense matter! Look at how he is relegating the on-going genocide done on the Tigre people to a “propaganda of exaggeration” , while officials from multiple international agencies implore ( as late as march 21st ) him to halt attacks against civilians in Tigray, including rape and other horrific forms of sexual violence!
The abundance of the non-contestable proves regarding the rape and other multitude atrocities his Army, the Amara militia and the Eritrean army did became un-refutable even for the worlds’ liar he is. Admitting the tip of these huge grave human right violations was surely a tactic for him: to appease the international community, especially his income source – the Americans. As usual, he thinks of himself as the KNOW ALL KING and the rest of humanity as his disciples who should believe what ever comes of his mouth! In this false context, he is playing this admission-card in an exchange for a blocked aid!
In regard to the so much hyped Eriterean kick out, I hear they just transferred to Oromia region; a tactical re-arrangement of Abiy and Isias forces. There are already pictures of a captured Eritrean- military-personal ( including ID ) rotating in the internet.
I am sure, the international community is not taking any of Abiy’s blubbering at face-value, but diligently doing the right follow up for every utterance of his.
#tigray #ethiopia #tplf #abiyahmed #tesfagiorgis #biden #eu #england #martinplaut #africa #usa #middleeast #addisstandard #eritereahub #ethiopiainsight #tigrepeople #amhara #somali-ethiopians
Thank you Martin Plaut for your trusted and real information . It think you are getting huge mental satisfaction by helping the victims or the voiceless people. I have no word to say about you but God Bless you again & again.
Thank you Martin Plaut for your trusted and real information. I think you are getting huge mental satisfaction by helping the victims or the voiceless people. I have no word to say about you but God Bless you again & again.