EEPA Situation Report – Horn of Africa – No. 259, 01 September 2022

Situation in Tigray & Amhara (per 01 September)

  • Eritrean troops have launched an offensive in Northern Tigray. The TDF say that Eritrean and Ethiopian troops launched a four-pronged attack.
  • Ethiopian and Eritrean forces are reportedly attacking from Fiqya Gebre to Adameyti; from Selamo to Shiraro; from Gobo Tsin’at to Irda Matheos and Adi Aser; and heavy shelling is taking place from Adi Goshu to Adi Aser.
  • A humanitarian worker told Reuters that drivers report cross-border shelling in Northern Tigray. Another person told the worker that the town of Shiraro was shelled heavily on Thursday.
  • Reuters also reports someone telling them that wounded Ethiopian government soldiers are being treated in Humera Hospital. It was cleared of civilian patients in preparation.
  • The TDF claim that they have captured Col. Mekuanint, Commander of ENDF’s 11th infantry division on the Southern front. Pictures purportedly showing him in TDF captivity have been circulated.
  • Aircraft trackers suggest that the Ethiopian government is continuing to use Ethiopian airlines for troop transport. Eight planes were tracked going to northern Ethiopia on 31 August.

Situation in Ethiopia (per 01 September)

  • The government of Ethiopia justified military action by stating “all the efforts made by the government for a peaceful alternative have been shunned”. It added that the government was responsible for ensuring humanitarian access, including to Tigray, blaming the TPLF for the blocking of aid.
  • The Ethiopian Teachers Union has called for an immediate ceasefire. It added that no benefit could be gained from the conflict except division and poverty.
  • The OLF-OLA issued a statement regarding the fighting in Tigray and Oromia. It accuses the government of escalating the conflict, and failing to uphold its international obligations.
  • A regional official of Afar said that 200.000 people are displaced in the region following the renewal of fighting between government forces and Tigray forces.
  • He added that several people, including three children, were killed in an attack on Yalo woreda.

Regional Situation (per 01 September)

  • Sudan Tribune reports that farmers living on the border with Ethiopia are worried about the resumption of conflict in Ethiopia. They are especially afraid of the impact it may have on local agriculture.
  • A military source told Sudan Tribune: “Violent military clashes are taking place on the Sudanese-Ethiopian border between the Tigray forces, the Ethiopian army, and the Allied Fano forces.”
  • Sudan says that the influx of refugees from Ethiopia has increased since the conflict started again.

International Situation (per 01 September)

  • Kenneth Roth, the Human Rights Watch Director, has written in Foreign Policy that African Countries, the UNSC, and the AU need to act to ensure proper humanitarian access in Tigray.
  • Roth argues that the African continent has shown that it can act together and deliver humanitarian aid in its engagement with the Russian Black Sea blockade. Among other things, he calls for those responsible for blocking access to be held responsible, and for an open UNSC debate on the issue.
  • He says that HRW has spoken to doctors and journalists that report that there is “hunger everywhere.” He added that while the Ethiopian government allowed supplies to enter following the ceasefire in March, the supplies “didn’t come close to matching the mounting needs of a vulnerable population.” The government also continued a telecommunications and banking shut-off, which made it harder for humanitarian services to provide aid.
  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged the Ethiopian government and the TPLF to “immediately halt military operations” and work on ending the conflict.
  • Blinken said the resumption of fighting, and the lives that it puts at risk, is deeply concerning.
  • The British minister responsible for Africa has called on all sides to return to the ceasefire, saying that after 22 months of conflict, “it is clear that there is no military solution.” He further urges all parties to “guarantee unfettered humanitarian access”.
  • The Statement also called on “the Ethiopian Government to urgently restore services to Tigray and the TPLF to enable the seized fuel to be used for aid distribution”
  • An Eritrean organised festival in London (Lambeth) on 4 September has been cancelled by local authorities. The festival announced in Germany on 3 September was also cancelled.
  • The EU has appointed Aidan O’Hara, a former Irish diplomat, as its new ambassador to Sudan.

Links of interest

Africa Must Do Its Part to Break Ethiopia’s Abusive Tigray Siege

TPLF says Ethiopian and Eritrean forces attack in northwest Tigray: Reuters

Dissident group says Eritrea and Ethiopia start Tigray offensive: Bloomberg

Twitter: Statement by Tigray Military Command

Concerns in Sudan over renewed Ethiopian conflict: Sudan Tribune

Twitter: Secretary Antony Blinken

More than 200,000 displaced in Afar: Official

EU delegation announces its new ambassador to Sudan

UK Minister for Africa statement on conflict in Ethiopia

Twitter: Air Traffic to Northern Ethiopia

Twitter: Ethiopian government Statement

News: Ethiopian Teachers Association hostilities de-escalation

OLF-OLA Press Release

Disclaimer: All information in this Situation Report is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. EEPA does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to [email protected] any additional information and corrections.


  1. All African leaders are corupted and ignorant.
    More than two yers the people of Tigray is spoiled, raped, and we know with the complicity of ERITREAN ( AN ELECTED gmt.) Caused a genoside, No one has a courage to make the voice for the voiceless.
    I am an Eritrean and African. But I am ashamed of theses pupet leaders of Africa, they never even protect their people, when they are abused abroad.
    Their Embasys do other business, when you talk to them, asking ( what is the use to have Embacy abroad, if you don’t protect your people ? )No one gives you a pertinent answer. So, when I read, we contact AU. For what? It is better to forget them.

  2. The TPLF is a dissident group to Blinken. But Hamas is a terrorist group because it theatens the Chosen people of God. Blinken has had it drilled into his thick skull from birth that God has given the land of Israel to his people, and that his people have been chosen by God. He has been autoshaped from birth to think that way, and no amount of fact will sway him from his autopsychosis. Hence, he isunable to live in the reality of the dynamics of the 21st century. All his antics are to preserve the status as the US and Egypt are the suppliers of arms to the black terrorists across northern Ethiopia and Nigeria. The ethos is to hold Ethiopia back to preserve Egypt as the dominant power in the Horn of Africa and like a thermostat, to keep the development of Africa arrested so that the continent continues to borrow from the World Bank at 25% while the EU and the US borrow at 0.9%. The west after centuries of erasing intellectual African leaders still believes in the thermostat theory of African arrested development. When the temperature is too hot, lower it.When the temperature is too cold increase it. Hence the sustaining of auto psychosis in Blinken is powered by the autoshaping of the African mind. They want to destroy Ethiopia. And while the EU is 44.7 million with a permanent seat on the UN security Council, Africa with a population of 1.4billion has not. Every European is worth 3.13millon to every African. Let’s talk numbers Blinken.

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