Why does the Ethiopian army stand by - even aid - foreign troops who rape and kill on Ethiopian soil?

The war in Tigray is astonishing. The Ethiopian armed forces are doing nothing as Eritrean - and Somali - troops storm across the country. Rather, the Ethiopian military is collaborating with these foreign forces.

  • Eritreans are accused of rape, murder and looting.
  • Eritrean troops are said to have claimed territory deep inside Ethiopia.
  • The Eritrean flag is reported to have been raised on Ethiopian soil.
  • And there are reports of Ethiopians being told they must get Eritrean identity documents.

Yet the Ethiopian military stand by and do doing nothing.

Ethiopian military says this is “painful”

A month ago a senior Ethiopian officer described this as as “painful”.

In a speech that lasted for more than 20 minutes and delivered as part of response to questions raised by the residents of Mekelle, the capital of Tigray regional state, Major General Belay Seyoum Commander of the Northern Command, said the the army knows “the problems being raised” with regard to Eritreans forces in Tigray and “it’s painful.”

Maj. Gen. Belay’s speech followed a short comment from a man who said that the interim administration must understand its main challenge would be to facilitate a smooth relation between the region and the federal government until such times that the people elected their representatives.

He also said that challenges were ahead for the interim administration with regard to healing the damaged psychological spirit of the people of Tigray.

Addressing his comments to Maj. Gen. Belay, the man says that “Ethiopia is a sovereign country that no one should violate.” Maj. Gen. Belay’s speech came in reply, at a meeting held in the town hall on 27th December 2020.

No-one denies these remarks, yet men like Maj. Gen. Belay collaborate with the Eritrean and Somali forces.


  1. Shame on
    the country is under colonize isayas afewerk
    Ethiopians are selling their sovereign foreigners
    Am ashamed being count the same with them
    I know things will difference from now onward.
    I haven’t common social value with those idiot.

  2. Mr.Plaut as usual, you will not stop to defend TPL and his Cadres.

    Would you pls ask teh TPLF why they massacre, the semien-Iz soldiers, who help 20 year the tigrean farmers ?
    Would you ask Alula Solomon, who get 2.5 Milloins of Dollars, to spend the Money to the needy ppl. ?

    1. Attempts to discredit those who seek the truth and those who give voice to the voiceless victims of genocide in Tigray (obviously an unknown concept for Woldeyohannes and his masters) is just pathetic,

  3. Dear Sir,
    “The war in Tigray” is not as astonishing as you want your readers to believe. If anything, it has been and will continue to be a self inflicted and festering wound initiated and perpetuated by the TPLF warlords upon their own people. Blaming and portraying Eritreans as savages in your endeavor of exposing the megalomaniac and myopic regime in Asmara instead of of putting it squarely on the delusional -king wannabe hallelujah boy “Ethiopian Prime Minister ” in Addis, is shortsighted counterproductive. Unless you have an ulterior motive, which I suspect you might, your “news” items on EritreanHub is nothing but full of hubbub. The TPLF is no more and stop blaming Eritreans for the demise of the Tigrayan warlords who themselves created and implemented the nightmarish scenario. Cry for the people of Tigray, if you will. Help them if you can. But please stop the habit of condemning all Eritreans who have their own gushing wounds to leak.

    Thank you, Sire!

    1. Not self inflicted at all. Two other countries are busy with the #genocide of #tigrepeople and call that self inflicted? Oh boy! Open your eyes.

      Yes I agree that all #eritereans are not responsible. #isias and his junta are though responsible. You must agree on this. Right yeh!

  4. A month ago, when I heard General Seyom’s feeling towards the #eritrean soldiers I challenged him to add action to his words if his belief is from his heart
    Read her.


    To my knowledge, Seyom did nothing and as such he is one more liar as expected.

    Ethiopian military had a long history of being subordinates to how ever was in power and now they are following the same suit – under the kingship of #abiy. This is no wonder to any one; they are what they were forever- simple subordinates. What is little puzzling is they used to have a good feeling of nationalism - an ethiopian’nas through out history. Now it is obvious they have lost that bit too – catering to their sworn enemy - #eriterea – engaged on the #genocide of their own people. What a shame!!

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