Currently Eritrea has no Vice President, so it appears that Woldemichael Abraha, the Minister of Local Government, would run the government.
Even if he was to take over as head of state it would not necessarily mean that he held the real power.
There are few references to Woldemichael Abraha, but he is quoted as having played an important role in the Ethiopian assault on the town of Nakfa in 1979 (see below).
Having participated in such a critical battle would be important in Eritrea, which still looks to its fight for independence as among its greatest achievement.
I doubt if Weldemikel played any role militarily. He was posted abroad as representative.
Aida Kidane
Hi Aida,
I know very well that Weldenkiel Abraha was in Munich, Germany before he joined the EPLF in 1973. However, once he joined the armed struggle, except for a brief visit he undertook, he was never stationed abroad. So, are you sure he was ever posted abroad as an EPLF representative? If so, could you please tell us when and where he was posted abroad?
Thank you.
Tsegezab Gebregergis
Hi Aida,
I know very well that Weldenkiel Abraha was in Munich, Germany before he joined the EPLF in 1973. However, once he joined the armed struggle, except for the brief visit he undertook, he was never stationed abroad. So, are you sure he was ever posted abroad as an EPLF representative? If so, could you please tell us when and where he was posted abroad?
Thank you.
Tsegezab Gebregergis