Source: What’s in the Blue
Ethiopia (Tigray): Council Members to Discuss the Humanitarian Situation
Tomorrow (3 February) Council members are expected to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Tigray region of Ethiopia under “any other business”, a standing item in closed consultations. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock is expected to brief. The meeting, which will be held via videoconference, was initiated at the request of Estonia, France, Ireland, Norway, the UK, and the US.
This will be the third time that Council members have discussed Ethiopia since the crisis erupted in the Tigray region on 4 November 2020. All of the meetings have been held under “any other business”. Council members previously discussed the conflict under “any other business” on 24 November and on 14 December 2020. During the 24 November session, members emphasised the importance of de-escalating the conflict, expressed concern about the impact of the fighting on civilians, and underscored their support for regional engagement to resolve the conflict. The 14 December meeting focused on the humanitarian situation and featured a briefing by Wafaa Saeed, OCHA’s Deputy Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, who called on the parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law.
While Council members have met on Tigray, they have yet to take concrete action in the form of a Council product that conveys clear messages or makes requests of the parties. To date, some members have been reluctant for the Council to pursue an outcome on this issue, which is not currently on the formal agenda. At time of writing, it did not appear that a product would be adopted tomorrow.
In tomorrow’s meeting, Lowcock may emphasise the importance of permitting unfettered and safe humanitarian access to the region, protecting civilians, and restoring basic services to those in need. He may refer to shortages of food, medicine, and clean water in the conflict-affected areas, and highlight the dire humanitarian conditions facing those displaced by the fighting.
There may also be discussion about the challenges confronting Eritrean refugees in Tigray.
On 1 February, at the conclusion of his recent trip to Ethiopia, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said that he met refugees who “spoke of infiltration of armed actors in the camps, of killings, abductions and also some forced return to Eritrea at the hands of Eritrean forces present in the areas”.
Reports of sexual violence in the Tigray conflict may also be raised in the discussion; in this regard, in a 21 January statement, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten said she was “greatly concerned by serious allegations of sexual violence in…Tigray…including a high number of alleged rapes in the capital, Mekelle”. She also referred to “disturbing reports of individuals allegedly forced to rape members of their own family, under threats of imminent violence” and reports of women being “forced by military elements to have sex in exchange for basic commodities”.
Council members are likely to want an update on the implementation of the December agreement between the UN and Ethiopia permitting humanitarian workers to work in areas in Tigray under government control. Some members may express concern about impediments to the delivery of humanitarian aid. In this respect, there may be interest in possible ways to improve clearance procedures allowing UN actors and non-governmental organisations to conduct their operations in such areas.
During his visit, Grandi discussed this issue with senior Ethiopian officials, stating that it is important “to have an access management system, a clearance management system, that is fast, that is efficient and as close to the field operations as possible”. Members might also be interested in how humanitarian workers can best be protected in the conflict, and they may want OCHA’s analysis of areas where humanitarian access may be difficult because of legitimate security concerns.
All Council members have been concerned about the conflict in Tigray and recognise the importance of humanitarian access to the region. In spite of this widespread concern, there is not a unified position in the Council on the most appropriate way to respond. African members have tended to emphasise the importance of regional engagement in finding a solution to the crisis. While the AU has engaged with the Ethiopian government, one challenge has been that the government views the conflict as an internal law enforcement operation rather than a civil war, rejecting calls for mediation.
“Any other business”—the format of tomorrow’s meeting (and the 24 November and 14 December meetings) on Tigray—is one way that members have traditionally kept abreast of developments in situations not on the Council’s agenda. “Any other business” is also generally conducive to discreet discussions of more sensitive matters, as there is no public record of “any other business” topics. These are not considered formal meetings of the Security Council, however.
It is about time I hope that they will come to the right decision making process, because the world leaders are ignoring the suffering innocent people more than three months, more than 52k innocent people are being murdered by Ethiopian military and eritran militarys, over 1000 tigraiying women’s are getting Raped by forcing gun on there head.
Over 3 months since my family heard from them 💔
No medication
No food
No water
On the top of that raping,looting, killing and cutting mail pens
So I have proof a video someone send me
“Any other business”
Every powerful nation primarily cares about its own national interest. The powerful nations also have interests intertwined with the middle, and the small African nations. These relationships handicap their capacity to truthful decision making leading to inaction by the institution. What issue could the Security Council consider alarming, Serious or a “Real business” if all the facts below are not?
1. 52 thousand Tigrayans dead, and 60 thousand others seeking refuge in the Sudan
2. 20/96 thousand of Eritrean refugees who had been under the UHCR care had been killed, disappeared, or kidnapped and forcibly returned to Eritrea.
3. A million displaced within Tigray or fleeing to the Southern border regions.
4. Ethiopia engaged in border war with the Sudan
5. Ethiopia and three other countries in this tragic war; Eritrea, the Somali army, and a third country alleged to have participated with advanced war machines-drones!
Eritrean army has to leave Tigray !
First and most thing should be withdraw Eritrean troops from TIGRAY. Anlessotherways the Eritrean army may looted. And the dictator esayas afewerqi’s troop are in deep crime rape and abdicted womans looted every materials from the farmers
So the main ajeda should be WITHDRAW ERITREAN TROOP FROM TIGRAY.
I definitely agree that #eritrea military should leave #ethiopia immediately. This is the wish of the majority of #ethiopians: And it must be the wish of any peace loving human being in the world.
I don’t understand this “ there is no unified position in the council ” nonsense. Are there countries in the security council that want the continuation of the #genocide on #tigrepeople? I don’t believe that. Is there no enough evidence for the genocide? Doesn’t the invasion of a country on another countries’ people mean any thing to the Security Council? I thought this kind of international crime was the main reason for the existance of this #UN body. I don’t think I am wrong.
UN SECURITY COUNCIL, please stop this paralysis. You are aware that human beings are dying by the multitudes from starvation and that human right abuse is done to all #tigrepeople – especially the women - every minute that passes.
Any minute longer you procrastinate, makes you an accomplice. This is your mandate. Please kick out the invaders - #eritereans.
A huge bonus of this legal action – #abiy’s unjust war will stop immediately. Majority of #ethiopians including members of the Ethiopian Army do not support his madness.
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#tigray #ethiopia #tplf #abiyahmed #tesfagiorgis #biden #eu #england #martinplaut #africa #usa #middleeast #addisstandard #eritereahub #ethiopiainsight #tigrepeople #amhara #somali-ethiopians
Tigrayans are requesting for the Eritrean troops to withdraw from Tigray immediately. Eritrea is a sovereign country but they occupied one province of Ethiopia. How could that be allowed on the 21st century?