“Washington might leverage US aid to incentivise Ethiopia’s government to end the conflict and force Eritrean troops to withdraw…Expect the UNSC to push for access to reports on crimes carried out by the armed forces of Ethiopia and Eritrea.”
Source: Foreign Brief
The UN Security Council (UNSC) will convene today to discuss urgent humanitarian crises in Yemen and Ethiopia.
The US assumed the presidency of the UNSC for March. US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield has placed humanitarian crises in the spotlight, in particular expressing concern over the recent crisis in Ethiopia between the central government and the rebellious Tigray region that has drawn in Eritrean forces.
As Ethiopia is one of the US’s closest allies in Africa, the implications of the country’s destabilisation will undermine Washington’s security interests in the Horn of Africa. For instance, efforts to neutralise terrorist groups like al-Shabaab will be put at risk. The conflict could also draw Ethiopia’s focus inward and away from its regional peacekeeping commitments.
Expect today’s meeting to involve further deliberations on what actions to take to mitigate the conflict’s effects.
Thomas-Greenfield will likely take the lead to alleviate Ethiopia’s humanitarian concerns. Washington might leverage US aid to incentivise Ethiopia’s government to end the conflict and force Eritrean troops to withdraw. The US will likely not join the EU in suspending aid; instead, President Joe Biden’s administration might lean on its diplomatic and humanitarian assistance approach to prevent the region’s destabilisation.
Expect the UNSC to push for access to reports on crimes carried out by the armed forces of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
If US doesn’t join EU in aid suspension, it means they are taking a half-hearted approach that will prolong #abiy’s refusal of any thing democratic. For one thing, every one knows what ever #abiy lies hands on is for his unjust war effort. For the other, any kind of aid for his autocratic rule is a pat on the bad-boy’s head which always serves him as an incentive to do badder! I am sure US doesn’t want that.
They must support the EU!
Russia’s vote against action on #abiy is no wonder. #putin was in the same catagory with #abiy in the first place - an atocrate perpetring atrocities on his people. The UN should invistigate his rule too.
See below link for what is going in Russia.
#tigray #ethiopia #tplf #abiyahmed #tesfagiorgis #biden #eu #england #martinplaut #africa #usa #middleeast #addisstandard #eritereahub #ethiopiainsight #tigrepeople #amhara #somali-ethiopians