Source: VOA
Warring Sides in Ethiopia Both Claim They Are Winning
Ethiopia predicted Wednesday it would soon defeat the Tigray People’s Liberation Front in the country’s northern region while the TPLF maintained it had secured military victories in a two-week war that threatened to further destabilize the Horn of Africa.
Army chief Berhanu Jula said Ethiopian forces were approaching Tigray’s capital of Mekelle and “winning on all fronts.”
But Tigrayan leader Debretsion Gebremichael said his forces were “inflicting heavy defeats on all fronts against the forces that came to attack us” and have turned Tigray into “a hell to its enemies.”
The war has killed hundreds of people and forced some 30,000 more to flee to neighboring Sudan. It is also testing the ability of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Africa’s youngest leader at age 44, to maintain unity among the country’s fractious ethnic groups.
Calls to end the violence have escalated since civilians caught up in the conflict fled to Sudan. The United Nations warned on Tuesday that a “humanitarian disaster is unfolding.”
Abiy initiated a military campaign against the Tigray region on Nov. 4 after accusing the TPLF of attacking federal troops in the area.
Federal forces have since escalated the offensive, prompting more intense fighting in the region.
This report is produced by OCHA Ethiopia and covers the period from 12 November to 17 November 2020. The next report will be issued on Friday, 20 November.
Ethiopia: Tigray Region Humanitarian Update
Situation Report No. 3
17 November 2020
- The humanitarian impact of the ongoing conflict between federal and Tigray regional forces is increasing as the days progress. Several thousands of people are reported displaced in Tigray fleeing conflict.
- Similarly, Ethiopians crossing the border to Sudan is increasing. The displaced population is mainly crossing through three border entry points at a daily average arrival rate of 4000. More than 27,000 people have so far fled to Sudan.
- The protection of populations impacted by the conflict remains an overarching humanitarian concern. In addition to safety, ensuring civilian access to vital goods and services is a priority to humanitarian partners.
- Humanitarian partners finalized a Preparedness Plan aiming to target 1.98 million people with multi-sector assistance in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions. The priority outstanding funding requirements to facilitate the minimum preparedness activities to response to the projected needs between November 2020 and January 2021 is US$ 75.7 million.
Full Report: Situation Report 3 Tigray
The waging war in Ethiopia is in fact between two ethnicities (Amhara currently ruling and Tigray the previous rulers).They are fighting over who will dominate the political scene in the country.The rest of ethnicities are considered as subordinates with no citizenship rights.
Abiy Ahmed who turned to be representing christian Amhara ethnicity is trying to establish absolute power by using military force to silence all voices and to cancel the recent federal system ti replace it with central government dictatirship.
It is not forceable he will hold electiion as he burned all ties with the majority of population except Amhra region which he chose to rely on them leaving behind his Oromo origin due to his christian faith and being adopted by Amhara ethnicity
MrAbiy Ahmed who is winner of Noble Peace is actually playing a dangerous game by opting to military approach in tackling Ethiopian problems that started when he decided to impose one party of his own on the country and further cancelled elections after realizing that there is no way that he can win. The future of Ethiopia is now is unknown and seems stepping towards total chaos and bloodshed that may lead to the colapse of Ethiopias fragile system that historically based on feudualism and slavery by Amhara minority against the majority population .It is the only coming days that will tell us the consequencies of the ruthless dictatorship of Abiy who is dreaming to become the new emprer not not only for Ethiopia but also for the whole horn africa regions in collaboration with the other dictator of Eritrea.
False allegations and full of hates because you want Abeye to Oromized the whole country for the sake of your ill motive that you called “Ethiopia out of Oromia” honestly speaking this is the golden chance for Oromo people to bring Oromia in advanced era by working and supporting Abeye to achieve his dream for prosperous Oromia believe me if you betrayed your brother you will never get you freedom from TPLF again this is wishing the devil’s incarnatio
Martian, well done bro. We need to expose the Nobel winner is killing people and the Nobel needs to be taken away from Abey. Focus on this point
I have questions to Ethiopian government, is securing rule of conditional? How it can be secured through violating citizens basic rights; forcing them to leave their country? No No No No No … It’s not a Rational and civilized approach.
Why the government fail to think and practice the smart way; using intelligence and military science to pick those persons?
False allegations and full of hates because you want Abeye to Oromized the whole country for the sake of your ill motive that you called “Ethiopia out of Oromia” honestly speaking this is the golden chance for Oromo people to bring Oromia in advanced era by working and supporting Abeye to achieve his dream for prosperous Oromia believe me if you betrayed your brother you will never get you freedom from TPLF again this is wishing the devil’s incarnatio