Tigrayan farmers being prevented from farming - says interim administration of Tigray

Efforts to prevent the entry of seeds and efforts to stop farming have no other message than perhaps “let the people of Tigray perish from starvation”.

Source of this via Twitter

“One of the big problems (we are facing) is, there is a campaign that farming should be prohibited.

It is certain individuals involved in the law enforcement operation, who are irresponsible and are acting out of their self interests, who are doing this.

This is especially happening in around Shire, Hawzen and the corridors of Tembien. A group has appeared which is saying “you can’t farm; this (place) is ours”. This is embarrassing.

The other problem has to do with transporting seeds. Around Kobo, we faced a challenge because vehicles carrying seeds were prevented from passing through. We had to go to great lengths to get them to pass through.

This has no other mission. It even seems the two are working in concert.

Efforts to prevent the entry of seeds and efforts to stop farming have no other message than perhaps “let the people of Tigray perish from starvation”.

My message in this regard is that outsiders shouldn’t be the ones that ought to support us. We have to solve our problems on our own. Tigrayans, as Tigrayans, should do what’s expected of them.

The diaspora should also provide support. The reason I’m saying this is that if (Tigrayan) farmers don’t engage in farming before the winter passes, the suffering, famine and starvation will harm all Tigrayans.

This is because it will create dependency on (outside) support and this in turn deprives ability to make (independent) decisions.

If we are looking for sustained solutions, we have to collaborate to make the farmers plant and harvest during this winter. And the youth also have to be involved.

This is my message.

The reason I’m raising this issue is if they prevent seeds from getting through (to Tigray) and the corridors are blocked; if they are saying ‘we need this land’ so that there won’t be farming, the outcome would be starvation. Their aim, beyond the war…”

Abebe Teklehaimanot, vice head of interim administration of Tigray regional state


  1. Pingback: Tigrayan farmers being prevented from farming – says interim administration of Tigray - Mekete Tigray UK
  2. When you visit an Ethiopian or Eritrean restaurant, remember this: for political actors to forbid people to farm in Tigray, a region in Ethiopia, is like killing a civilizaiton, destroying the “center of origin” and “center of diversification” of crops. Bon appetite!

  3. Mr. Abebe
    You are supposed to take care of #tigray people. As you have wittnesed, that is not happening. Matters are in the hands of foreigners - the eritereans. I commend you for bringing this issue to the world. But I advice you to resign too. That will help the innocent people of tigray who relay on you to find another venue for their protection.

    I hope you agree and takr the ultimate step of truth in action.

    Thank you

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