News of further arrests at wedding


Release Eritrea

Monday, 06 July 2020


In a further crackdown on Christians belonging to unregistered denominations, the Government of Eritrea arrested 30 people that were attending a wedding ceremony held in the capital, Asmara, during the final week of June 2020.

According to Release –Eritrea sources, the latest group of Christians targeted by the regime in Asmara are believed to have been taken to the Second Police Station, locally known as Kalai Medeber.

That takes the tally of prisoners up to 45 in total since last April when another group of 15 Christians that had been attending a worship service were rounded up from the capital’s Mai Chehot area and transported to the prison camp in Mai Serwa.

Known for being one of the most repressive regimes in the world, the Government of Eritrea is notorious for the arbitrary detention and indefinite incarceration of thousands of prisoners of conscience of all faiths. These acts of arbitrary imprisonments include that of hundreds of Christians detained since a crackdown which began in May 2002 with the government effectively banning all religious practices not affiliated with the Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran or Orthodox Christian denominations and Sunni Islam.

Release Eritrea is concerned for the safety and well-being of the detainees and calls upon its partners to help exert pressure on the Government of Eritrea to guarantee their safe release.

London, UK






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  7. Pingback: Thirty people attending Christian wedding arrested in Eritrea | Stand for Christians

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