European Union warns: “The danger of a major humanitarian crisis is imminent”

“The danger of a major humanitarian crisis is imminent and an immediate de-escalation is needed. All parties should show restraint and reinforce their calls to avoid incitement to hatred and violence.”

Source: EU

Ethiopia: Joint Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner Janez Lenarčič

Brussels, 12/11/2020 - 20:32, UNIQUE ID: 201112_19
Joint Statements


Ethnically targeted measures, hate speech and allegations of atrocities occurring in Ethiopia are deeply worrying. The demonisation of ethnic groups is a vicious and lethal cycle from which Ethiopia must be spared.

The danger of a major humanitarian crisis is imminent and an immediate de-escalation is needed. All parties should show restraint and reinforce their calls to avoid incitement to hatred and violence.

Human rights and international humanitarian law need to be upheld, including ensuring safe and free movement of civilians as well as a timely, independent, unimpeded and unconditional access of humanitarian workers to most vulnerable.

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