EU Vice President tells Ethiopian Foreign Minister: allow aid and access, end hostilities and halt external interference

Ethiopia: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on his meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Mr Demeke Mekonnen

Brussels, 24/11/2020 - 21:43, UNIQUE ID: 201124_27
Statements by the HR/VP
Today in Brussels, I met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Mr Demeke Mekonnen. Ethiopia is undergoing challenging times. I expressed my great concern regarding increasing ethnic-targeted violence, numerous casualties and violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law. I also conveyed my analysis that this conflict is already seriously destabilising the region.

I also discussed the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, in Ethiopia and in the region, notably in Sudan. International Humanitarian Law needs to be upheld. On behalf of the EU, I have called for safe and free movement and protection of civilians, vulnerable groups and IDPs.

The message of the EU is clear: we call on all parties to put in place the conditions that will facilitate unimpeded access to people in need, the cessation of hostilities, the non-interference of any external party, and the freedom of the media. Engagement with the High-Level Envoys appointed by the Chair of the African Union should open the door for a dialogue that is the only way forward to avoid further destabilisation.


  1. I don’t recall ETHIOPIA commenting on the Basques problem. The EU should mind its own fucking business. As for Brussels, it needs to pay for Leopold’s war crimes and shut the fuck up.

    1. EU thank you for your leader ship and taking this seriously. So many people have been dead and so many has been displaced the new dictator government is trying to overthrow elected government how does help to improve our democracy in this world ? This people are insane .

  2. True global leadership . Thank you EU . It is beyond our imagination to think Ethiopian government collide with external forces to commit war crime on people of Tigray. I believe on the international community they will not let down Tigrayan .

  3. Those who are calling for ceasefire instead of surrender of TPLF are endangering the horn of Africa, the Ethiopian people, particularly the people of Tigray and Mekele by giving false hopes to a genocidal group to fight on a war that it has lost.

  4. War crimes should be avoided. As the same time access to the civilians should be brought.

    But dialogue with #TPLF is inevitable. It has been asked more than 10 times from the prime minister office before the attack on NEDF base. Those all request for dialogue had been turned down by #TPLF members.
    While turning down those call for dialogue, TPLF had been conspiring and terrorizing every regional city. Armed conspiracy and rebellion had been held and civilians had been killed because of that. Patience costed hundreds of civilian death and displacement. Enough is enough!!!

  5. Thank you EU for your understanding.
    Genocide is happening in tigray at this moment. Eritrean and ethiopian force send their troops and destroying the region. This war is 100% led by Eritrean tyrant dictator isayas afewerki. So the whole world shall intervene ASAP .

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