Ethiopian parliament appeals to Tigray not to hold a separate election


Source: fanabc

HoF Urges Tigray To Stop Unconstitutional Move To Hold Election

Addis Ababa, August 1, 2020 (FBC) – The House of Federation (HoF) has urged the Tigray regional state to stop immediately its unconstitutional move to hold election.

In a letter sent to the regional state, HoF recalled that a constitutional interpretation was given on the 6th national election following the announcement of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) that it cannot conduct the election due to COVID-19.

As the constitution didn’t clearly state what should be done when the nation faces with problems that are beyond its capacity to hold election and since it is appropriate to fill the gap as per the constitution and in a constitutional interpretation, a decision has been made to extend the 6th general election, it said.

“However, we have confirmed that the Tigray regional state is undertaking activities to hold an election in the region paying no attention to this decision,” HoF said.

As per article 102 of the constitution, only the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) can conduct free and fair election and an electoral board cannot be established at a regional level, it added.

Accordingly, the regional state’s activity and its decision regarding election by establishing electoral commission is a display of defiance to last June’s decision of the HoF and a violation of the constitution, it added.

The activity launched by Tigray regional state to hold elections is against the constitution and pose a threat to the constitutional order and also harms the Ethiopian federal system, it added.

As per article 50 (8) and article 9 (1) of the Ethiopian constitution, any decision that contravenes the constitution will not be effected, it added.

Articles 50 (8) stipulates that regional states shall respect the powers of the federal government, while article 9 (1) states that any decision of an organ of state or a public official which contravenes the constitution shall be of no effect.

The statement finally urged the regional state to respect the constitution and the decision of HoF and immediately stop its unconstitutional move.

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