Source: Fanabc
National Defence Force Takes Full Control Of Mekele City
On Nov 28, 202012
Addis Ababa, November 28, 2020 (FBC) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has announced that the National Defence Force has taken full control of Mekele town.
The Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the people of the Region of Tigray for their cooperation to the National Defence Forces during the law enforcement measures in all places across the region.
The people of Tiray have practically shown that they are not with the TPLF Junta, the Premier said.
Why would the PM need to comment on the people’s side. In my Opinion such statements often lead to we and them comptition. If has won his target that will be enough. Let the people live their lives.
This is what we are expecting. The Ethiopian national force has shown who it is. An empty boast of TPLF is blasted like a baloon. What lesson is obtained from this? All those talks and shootings are left with no results. The world itself has to learn from this operation that Ethiopians are not emotion driven, but do not appear to compromise their country’s sovereignty. Many media outlets and groups were disseminating I’ll news of instability, to the opposite Ethiopia with eliminated TPLF terrorists will start the way of prosperity and peace with united arms of its. peoples