Community COVID initiative in Addis. Please read, share, and help.
We are a group of volunteers who are concerned about the current situation in our country regarding COVID-19(coronavirus). We are therefore trying to do our part to contain its spread in our community by educating the public about the virus in accordance with WHO guidelines.
In addition, we are promoting hand washing and social distancing in order to curb the spread of COVID19. As stated by the WHO, one of the most important and easiest way of combating this virus is washing hands frequently.
Therefore, we took the initiative to talk to local business around Kazanchis, such as Radisson Hotel, Jupiter Hotel, Aphrodite Hotel, Effoi Pizza, Pizza Hut, and Lime Tree about supplying water containers and water to the community and they have agreed. Taxi drivers and parking staff around Kazanchis are also on board and they have agreed to take responsibility to fill water containers and educate people on how to properly wash hands.
We need everyone’s help to try and support everyone that is in need. The situation is unpredictable and we will respond to the changing circumstances accordingly. The plan is to have washing stations running and to support the vulnerable for as long as needed and for as long as it is safe.
We are looking for donations from anyone who is able to help for:
• Feeding school children who are now at home
• Families who can’t afford to buy sanitary products
• Provide/ shop medication that the elderly require for their pre-existing conditions
We also highly appreciate any kind of support you can offer to keep our communities safe.
Our addresses is: Bole Medhanealem, Berhane Adere Building Off no 408 and/or Hayahulet area comet building in front of Getfam hotel Off no 302. DM us or email [email protected] or [email protected]. Call us via +251929002115.
Bank details:
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Account no. 1000326590448
We believe if we all stand together we can overcome this before it gets worse.
So, let’s put our individual efforts together to make a big difference in beating this virus!