02 FEB. 2021
The history of Eritrea’s pre-Independence armed struggle only realised through our participation and equal contribution to men through our life, sweat and blood. Our permanent imprint to Eritrea’s social and political fabrics did not fade way; we were expected to toil and sacrifice more of our life in the nation building and the protection and preservation of our sovereign state in the 1998-2000 border war with Ethiopia.
We value for the so much life-sacrificed in order to preserve our unique social fabrics and historical significance, we neither idly sit nor tolerate the inhumane and treasonable acts we have witnessed over the decades committed over our citizens in general through brutal dictatorship. Lo and behold! we raise our voice to all Nations - in particularly those who initiate, plan and consent warmongers - we say shame on you, and this is an injustice to all!!!
What one benefits from war other than causing death to others or oneself, hunger, disease, misery, violence against women and impacted long-term poverty to all. As in the past, we see history repeating itself in Ethiopia, we know exactly what’s happening in Tigray, as it happened to us by the Ethiopian Dreg communist regime of Ethiopia, ignored by the West, concocted with Eastern blocs causing irreparable damage to us.
We unreservedly condemn what’s happening to the Tigrayan population throughout the country, we are witnessing genocide, sexual violence against women as means of war machinery, violence against young people and children, old and infirm, neither priests nor imams, neither churches nor mosques spared by the combined armies of Ethiopian federals and Eritreans.
We were aware the widening differences and violent clashes since the rise of Dr Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopian politics between the 10 Federal states. Out of these Federal states the most stable was Tigray region. We strongly believe Dr. Abiy inexperience and greed for power, deceived by Isaias Afwerki for all-out-war against Tigray Federal state with consented nod with the then President Trump of White House. The Western world is awe struck with shock and in silence as usual; pre-occupied with Covid-19 pandemics.
We recognise “not in our name” the mass invasion of Eritrean armies in Tigray, they committed collateral damages, the looting, random killing, and raping women as part of waging war against the population and deliberate malicious behaviour and uncharacteristic of individual behaviours but through active order, encouragement, and pressure by the commanding officers, if orders are not met penalty by death, the same fate meted against seniors commanding officers. There are few senior army commanders who refused to pass such order but get executed by the government in Asmara. such extreme order passed to ensure future generation between Eritrean and Tigrayan population instil hatred to each other, which we urge must be noted for future references. On the same note whoever survives this war, it must be remembered all the Young and forced Eritrean recruit army who are currently forced to engages in such orgies of violence should deserves our empathy and careful plan must be mapped out to help them cope with post-traumatic stress war-guilt conditions. As mothers we take all the things happening is unnatural.
We, therefore, Eritrean women global network in exile, we wish to state and pass the following messages:
- We unreservedly condemn all forms of violence and the genocide in Tigray.
- We urge the International community to pay special attention to women who suffered sexual violence and other forms of violence as part of the war campaign by coalition forces of Ethiopian Federal and Eritrean forces and offer help as soon as possibly!!!
- We urge the Ethiopian Federal government to respect and comply International treaties and norms, give unfettered access to UNHCR in reaching out the needy population,
- We condemn the invasion of Tigray by Eritrean army; hence, we call on the army to withdraw immediately.
- We condemn the abduction of Eritrean refugees from Tigray and urge the Eritrean government to stop all forms of violence against the refugees.
- To protect and ensure their safety we must come up with alternative solutions such as relocating them to third country.
- We call on Ethiopian Federal army stationed in Eritrea to withdraw immediately.
Message to Eritrean and Tigrayan population
Dear Eritrean compatriots inside the country,
We are witnessing shameful events unfolding in Tigray, the dictator Isaias coerced and manipulated time and events in putting our country and young people in danger and pressuring our soldier to commit genocide, cause deliberate collateral damages, looting as much as possible, which serves no purpose but to ensure the animosity and enmity between the neighbourly people with Tigrayan for coming generation. We should condemn this war and it’s all doings and say “not in our name, a mother by nature is kind and considerate let along her own children, would not allow other children on the harm way. We share the same value of humanity all over the globe, Somalian mothers are asking their government for the where about of their children who were abducted from their training in Eritrea to Tigray’s War effort. Eritrean women too should have the courage and the moral duty to ask the government for your children’s whereabout and their safety and for their immediate return to your folds.
Dear People of Tigray,
We wish to share with you as mothers and sisters our sincerely pain and grief for all the tragedies and damages inflicted upon you. We have no doubt, you will overcome this tragic painful episode of your history and secure a sustainable and long-lasting peace and prosperity in your country. We affirm to be on your side. The deliberate campaign of hatred and enmity between the two neighbours which we are witnessing being sown and planted by Isaias Afewerki regime must not take roots or mistaken with the majority of Eritreans who themselves are victims of decades abuse and murder.
Dear People of Tigray and our compatriots,
We trust the people of Tigray be able to distinguish two distinct facts.
PFDJ ruling party supporters do not represent the whole Eritrea population, decent Eritrean have no desire or dream to do what Isaias is doing, there are foreign forces too who supported and consented for this war and there may well be nations who will deny “Tigray’s genocide” campaign. These are your enemies. We are your friends now and forever, there is no evil forces who will spoil these special ties that we have in culture and linguistic ties. We are doing all we can to highlight your problems to the World. We wish to see our children of both nations inherit peace and respect for one another not enmity and blood stains. Politicians are here today but gone tomorrow; we as people remain forever in peace and respect.
Message to the International Community
We, Eritrean Women Global network - Yiakl, convey our deep concern and distress to the world community; The UN with all it’s branches and operation; entrusted with its’ enshrined Charter, The African IGAD, The EU states, Uk, USA, Canada, and others who simply observing and witnessing genocide in Tigray for four months in a row and yet no concrete action has not taken place, either humanitarian or military intervention to stop the genocide which has shocked us all. We wish to hear his Excellency the Gen. Secretary António Guterres retracting his words that “Eritrean forces has not entered in Tigray” according to the telephone conversation he has had with the Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed. We believe that kind of unfounded speech had inflamed and encouraged more harm than good in Tigray.
We wish to reiterate the gravity and scale of the humanitarian tragedy in Tigray, we seek and plead for an International intervention in Tigray to stop the war and investigate the war-crime that is now happening.
መáŒáˆˆáŒº ኤሪትራá‹á‹«áŠ• ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ብደረጃ ዓለሠለኸ ኣብ ጉዳዠኲናት ሓድሕድ ኢትዮጵያ
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- ሰራዊት áˆá‹°áˆ«áˆ‹á‹Š መንáŒáˆµá‰² ኢትዮጵያ á‹áŠ• ካብ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« áŠá‹ˆáŒ½áŠ¥ ንጽá‹á‹•á¢
- ኣብ áˆá‹•áˆŠ ስደተኛታት á‹á‹ˆáˆá‹µ ዘሎ áŒáˆ…ሰት ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ብህጹጽ á‹°á‹ áŠá‰¥áˆá¢
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- ኣብቲ ናዠኲናት ዞባ á‹áˆáŠ¨á‰¥ ህá‹á‰¢ መáŒá‰¢ ማዠመጽለሊ ሕáŠáˆáŠ“ á‹áŠ£áˆ˜áˆ°áˆ‰ መሰረታዊ ጠለባት áŠáˆ›áˆáŠ£áˆ‰
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- ብáላዠኣብቲ ናዠኲናት ዞና á‹áˆáŠ¨á‰£ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ á‹á‰°áˆáŒ¸áˆ˜ ጾታዊ ዓመጽ áˆá‹‘ሠኣቓáˆá‰¦ áŠáŒá‰ ረሉን áŒá‹³á‹«á‰µ ከኣ ዘድሊ áŠáŠ•áŠáŠ• áŠáˆ¨áŠ½á‰£áŠ• áˆáˆ•áŒ½áŠ•á‰³áŠ“ áŠá‰•áˆá‰¥á¢
- መáˆáŠ¥áŠ½á‰² ናብ ህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ«áŠ• ትáŒáˆ«á‹áŠ•
á‹áŠ¸á‰ áˆáŠ« ህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ«á¡ እዚ ዘለናዮ እዋን ከáˆá‰² ኩáˆáŠ“ ንዕዘቦ ዘለና á‹áˆá‰€ መላኺ ኢሰያስ ኣብ ዘá‹áˆáˆáŠá‰°áŠ“ ኩናት ብáˆáˆ½áˆ›áˆ ደቅና የጥáኣáˆáŠ“ ከáˆá‹˜áˆŽ ትዕዘቦ ኣለኻᢠእቲ á‹áŠ¸áኣ ድማ ብሰንኪ እዚ ዘá‹áˆ“ላááŠá‰³á‹Š ኣካá‹á‹³áŠ• ኮአኢáˆáŠ« ኣብ áˆá‹•áˆŠ ህá‹á‰¢ ትáŒáˆ«á‹ ብá‹áጸሠዘሎ áŒáዕታትንᡠንኽáˆá‰²áŠ¡ ህá‹á‰¥á‰³á‰µ ንወለዶታት á‹áŠ¸á‹á‹µ ጽáˆáŠ¢ የሳá‹áˆ¨áˆáŠ“ ከáˆá‹˜áˆŽ áŠáŠ•áŒáŠ•á‹˜á‰¥á¡ ብንቕሓት áŠáŠ•áŠ©áŠ•áŠ–ን áŠáŠ•áŒ½á‹¨áŠ–ን መድረኽ á‹áˆ“ተና ኣሎᢠህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« áŠá‰¡áˆ ባህሊ ዓቂቡ ኣብ መንጎ áŠáˆá‰° ኣሕዋት ሕá‹á‰¥á‰³á‰µ ትáŒáˆ«á‹áŠ• ኤáˆá‰µáˆ«áŠ• á‹á‹áˆ«áŠ¥ ዘሎ ጽáˆáŠ¢ ከá‹áˆ“ብሮ ንጽá‹á‹•á¢ ብáላዠከኣ ኣዴታት ኤሪትራᡠኣደ ማለት በጃ á‹áˆ‰á‹³ እትሓáˆá ካብ ሕማቕ ናዠá‹áˆ‰á‹³ áŠá‰µáˆáŠ¢ ሞት እትመáˆáŒ½ ለዋህ áጥረት እያᡠስለዚ ኣብáŠá‰µ ናዠኣዴታት ሶማሠተኸቲáˆáŠáŠ• áŠá‰² á‹áˆ‰á‹µáŠáŠ• መንዚዑ áŒá‹° ሓዘንን ትካዜን ጌሩáŠáŠ• ዘሎ ኣረሜናዊ ስáˆá‹“ት ህáŒá‹°á ደቅና áˆáˆˆáˆ°áˆáŠ“ ኢáˆáŠáŠ• ብትሪ áŠá‰µá‰ƒá‹ˆáˆáŠ¦ ሓላááŠá‰µáŠáŠ• áˆá‹ƒáŠ‘ ከáŠá‹˜áŠ»áŠ½áˆ ንáˆá‰±á¢
á‹áŠ¸á‰ áˆáŠ« ህá‹á‰¢ ትáŒáˆ«á‹á¡ áŠá‹š ትሓáˆáŽ ዘለኻ መከራን ስቓá‹áŠ• ከሠሓá‹áŠ» ህá‹á‰¢ መጠን ኣá‹á‹© የáŒáˆá‹¨áŠ“ን á‹áˆµáˆ˜á‹“ናን እዩᢠሰላáˆáŠ« áŠáˆáˆˆáˆµáŠ• እáŽá‹á‰³ áŠá‰µáˆ¨áŠá‰¥áŠ• ካብ áˆá‰¥áŠ“ á‹áŠá‰•áˆˆ áˆáŠ•á‹®á‰µáŠ“ ንገáˆáŒ¸áˆáŠ«á¢ ኣብ ሞንጎ እዚ áŠáˆá‰° ኣሓት ህá‹á‰¥á‰³á‰µ á‹á‰µáŠ¨áˆ ዘሎ ጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ• ናዠቅáˆáˆ•áŠ•á‰² ጎስጓሳትንᡠካበየናዠወገን ብዘየገድስᡠብትሪ áŠá‰µá‰ƒá‹ˆáˆž ንጽá‹á‹•á¢ ህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« ኣብዚ á‹áŒá‰ ሠዘሎ ኢድ áˆáŠ¥á‰³á‹ ተራ ከሠዘá‹á‰¥áˆ‰ ተረዲእካ ኣብ መንጎ`á‹š áŠáˆá‰° ህá‹á‰¥á‰³á‰µ á‹áŒ¸áŠ•áˆ ሕá‹áŠá‰³á‹Š áቕሪ áŠá‰µáˆ•áˆ‰áŠ• ናዠጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ• ቅáˆáˆ•áŠ•á‰µáŠ• መንáˆáˆµ ኣብ áˆá‹•áˆŠ ህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« ከá‹á‰°áˆ•á‹µáˆáŠ• ንáˆáˆ•áŒ¸áŠáŠ«á¢ áረ ጽáˆáŠ¢á¡ ቅáˆáˆ•áŠ•á‰µáŠ• ሕáŠáˆáዳá‹áŠ• ንወለዶታት á‹áŠ¸á‹á‹µ ደሠáˆáሳስ ኢዩ እሞᡠህá‹á‰¢ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« ኣብዚ ኩናት áŠáˆ³á‰°á ድሌት ከሠዘá‹á‰¥áˆ‰ ተረዲእካ ካብ ከáˆá‹š á‹á‰ ለ ስáˆá‹’ታትት áŠá‰µá‰áŒ ብ ደጊáˆáŠ“ ደጋጊáˆáŠ“ ንáˆáˆ•áŒ¸áŠáŠ«á¢
á‹áŠ¸á‰ áˆáŠ« ህá‹á‰¢ ትáŒáˆ«á‹áŠ• ኤáˆá‰µáˆ«áŠ•á¡ ኣብ ድሮ ስማዊ ስáˆáˆá‹• ሰላሠኣብ ዶባት ኢትዮ- ኤáˆá‰µáˆ« á‹áŠá‰ ረ ናዠናáቖትᡠሕá‹áŠá‰µáŠ•á¡ áˆá‰µáˆ•á‰‘ቓáን ኩáŠá‰³á‰µ ህያዠáˆáˆµáŠáˆ ድሌታት ናá‹á‹š áŠáˆá‰° ህá‹á‰¢ እዩᢠስለዚ ብሰንኪ á–ለቲካá‹á‹«áŠ• ሓá‹áˆá‰³á‰µ ንá‹áˆ³á‹ˆáˆ ዘሎ ኩሉ á‹“á‹áŠá‰µ ሰá‹áŒ£áŠ“á‹Š ተáŒá‰£áˆ«á‰µ በኣáŒáŠ¡ áŠá‰’ሕና ኣንጻሩ ደዠንበáˆá¢ ንደቅና ሰናዠጉáˆá‰¥á‰µáŠ“ እáˆá‰ ሠጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ• ቅáˆáˆ•áŠ•á‰µáŠ• ኣá‹áŠ•áŒá‹°áˆáˆŽáˆá¢
- መáˆáŠ¥áŠ½á‰² ንማሕበረሰብ ዓለáˆ
ማሕበረ- ሰብ ዓለáˆá¡ ትካላት ሰብኣዊ መሰላትᡠሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣሜሪካᡠሕብረት ኤá‹áˆ®áŒ³á¡ ሕብረት ኣáሪቃᡠኢጋድን ካáˆáŠ¦á‰µ ዞባá‹á‹«áŠ•áŠ• ዓለማá‹á‹« ሓá‹áˆá‰³á‰µáŠ• - እዚ á‹áŠ¸á‹á‹µ ዘሎ ኩáŠá‰³á‰µ ናብ á‹áŠ¸áአሽáŒáˆ ከá‹á‹“በየ እንከሎᡠáŠá‰¥á‹°á‰µ ናá‹á‰² ኩáŠá‰³á‰µ ኣብ áŒáˆá‰µ ብáˆáŠ¥á‰³á‹ ብዕቱብáŠá‰µ áˆáŠ¢áŠ¹áˆ ህጹጽ áታሕ áŠá‰µáŒˆá‰¥áˆ©áˆ‰ ንጽá‹á‹•á¡ ብዘዠá‹á‹“ሠሕደሠኲናት á‹°á‹ áŠá‰¥áˆ ከኣ ኩሉ á‹áŠ¨áŠ£áˆˆáŠ©áˆ áŠá‰µáŒˆá‰¥áˆ© ንáˆáˆ•áŒ¸áŠ•á¢ ኣብ áˆá‹•áˆŠ ሰለማዊ ህá‹á‰¢ ኢትዮጵያá‹á‹«áŠ•áŠ•á¡ ኤáˆá‰µáˆ«á‹á‹«áŠ•áŠ• ስደተኛታትን á‹áŠ«á‹¨á‹µ ዘሎ ኢሰብኣዊ áŒáዕታት ብህጹጽ መáŒá‰µáŠ¢ áŠáŒá‰ ረሉን እቶሠተáˆáŒºáˆžáˆ á‹á‰ ሃሉ ገበናት ኲናት ብáŠáŒ» ወገን áŠáŒ»áˆ¨á‹©áŠ• ገበáŠáŠ›á‰³á‰µ ድማ ብሕጊ á‹áˆ•á‰°á‰µáˆ‰ ባá‹á‰³ áŠáጥሠንáˆáˆ•áŒ¸áŠ•á¢
ወትሩ ሰላáˆ`á‹© ድሌትና!
ኤሪትራá‹á‹«áŠ• ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ደረጃ ዓለáˆ-ለኸ
بسم الله الرØمن الرØيم وبه نستعين
نداء ومناشدة الي كل النساء الأرتريات ÙÙŠ ارجاء العالم
العالم والتاريخ يشهد بالدور الذي لعبته المرآة الأرترية جنبا الى جنب مع اخيها الرجل ÙÙŠ نضالات شعبها لنيل الاستقلال، وإØلال والآمن والسلام والاستقرار.
بناءً على ماذكر Øان الان ايضا بأن تلعب دورًا كبيرا ÙÙŠ التصدي لنهج النظام الارتري ÙÙŠ التدخل ÙÙŠ شؤون دول الجوار والزج بأبنائنا ÙÙŠ معارك ليس لنا Ùيها ناقة او جمل.
أن ممارسات Øكومة النظام الدكتاتوري الأرتري ÙÙŠ الØروب العبثية مع دول الجوار Ø£Ùقدتنا Ø£Ø±ÙˆØ§Ø Ø¨Ø´Ø±ÙŠØ© وخسائر مادية جسيمة مما أدى لهروب شبابنا واللجوء ÙÙŠ معسكرات شتى.
الآثار السلبية التي تخلÙها هذه الØروب على مجتمعاتنا وخلق عداوات وعلاقات غير ودية مع شعوب هذه الدول ستكون كارثية جدا وبناءا على ذلك نؤكد رÙضنا القاطع لما يدور من اØداث ÙÙŠ المنطقة من إنتهاكات Ù„Øقوق الإنسان وعلى رأس هذه الانتهاكات التى تمارس ضد أبنائنا المكدسين من رجال ونساء واطÙال ÙÙŠ معسكرات اللجوء ÙÙŠ اقليم تقراي لأنهم اكثر الناس تضررا من ويل الØرب وأيضا ويل اللجوء والامراض.
الذين يدÙعون ثمن الØرب دائما هم الضعÙاء مثل النساء والأطÙال وهم ايضا عرضة للصراعات العنيÙØ© بين كل الاطرا٠.
Ù†ØÙ† كنساء وأمهات إرتريات نناشد المجتمع الدولي Ùˆ منظمات Øقوق الإنسان من اجل المساعدة على إنشاء ممرات لإيصال المساعدات ØŒ ان تلعب دورها Ù„Øماية اللاجئين المتواجدين ÙÙŠ معسكرات اقليم تقراي، وتأمين Øياتهم بالØماية .
ندين النظام الدكتاتوري الذي يعبث بØياة أبناء شعبنا وبتدخله الساÙر بقضايا دول الجوار .
نق٠معًا لإنهاء معاناة شعبنا وآن الأوان لندرك جميعا المخاطر التي تØيط بنا ØŒ نعم للسلام والاستقرار ونرÙض الØروب ومخلÙاتها السلبية .
ألامهات المتواجدات ÙÙŠ المملكة المتØدة
Name Country
- Ababa Tsehaye UK
- Ababa Abraha Sweden
- Ababa Asgedom UK
- Ababa Habte U.S.A
- Abrehet Abraha UK
- Abrehet Sium Norway
- Abrehet Tesfay Norway
- Adhanet Berahane UK
- Adulis Angesom Sweden
- Adiam Aberha U.S.A
- Adiam Berahane U.S.A
- Adiam Solomon Netherland
- Adiam Tesfamariam Germany
- Adiam Yohannes UK
- Afomia Tsegay UK
- Afrah Ali UK
- Alem Weldu Sweden
- Alem Tesfaye Switzerland
- Alem Kifle UK
- Alem Siele Germany
- Alemash Fishasion Sweden
- Almaz Hailay Italy
- Almaz Gebregziabher UK
- Almaz Tsegay Switzerland
- Almaz Mengisteab U.S.A
- Almaz Tekia UK
- Almaz Gebreselassie Germany
- Alganesh Tesfay UK
- Ariam Girmay UK
- Ariam Abraham U.S.A
- Alganesh Berhane UK
- Alganesh Teame U.S.A
- Alganesh Andeberhan Sweden
- Amira Siraj Germany
- Alganesh Teame U.S.A
- Awet Teame UK
- Awet Abraha Germany
- Aster Tewelde UK
- Aster Tewelde U.S.A
- Asmeret Gebrekrestos Sweden
- Asmeret Ghezai UK
- Asmeret Tesfalem UK
- Asefash Negash UK
- Asefash Haile U.S.A
- Asmahan Ali UK
- Asmayiat Tumezghi Germany
- Akbiret Hagos UK
- Akbiret Debesay Canada
- Azeb weldy UK
- Azeb Ukbazghi Switzerland
- Azeb Bokru Italy
- Azeb Sebahtu UK
- Azieb Tesfay U.S.A
- Azeb Haile Germany
- Azamara Abraha Sweden
- Ameleset Abraham Israel
- Ameleset Hagos UK
- Ameleset Tewelde UK
- Ameleset Tsehaye UK
- Bana Andemeskel Germany
- Betul Abdu Siraj UK
- Betu Tesfamariam Germany
- Belaynesh Shishay U.S.A
- Beteal Yacob UK
- Birhan Beraki UK
- BiBta Woldu UK
- Bisirat Fishasion UK
- Bisirat Tsegay Canada
- Bisirat Gebrab Canada
- Bisirat Woldemichael U.S.A
- Beri Andemariam Norway
- Berkiti Berhe Germany
- Berkiti Yibarek Germany
- Berkiti Woldeab Canada
- Berkiti Fisahsion Germany
- Beri Rezene Germany
- Diana Tsegalem Norway
- Dahab Bahta Germany
- Dahlak Gebreselassie Sweden
- Demekesh Teare Switzerland
- Eden Hans Norway
- Eden Fisahsion UK
- Eden Khasay U.S.A
- Eden Gebru UK
- Eden Fikitor UK
- Eden Beyene Canada
- Eru Efrem Sweden
- Eden Tesfay U.S.A
- Elsa Eyob Sweden
- Elsa Gebrekidan UK
- Elsa Ghebre Sweden
- Elsa Yohannes Norway
- Elsa Mengisteab UK
- Elsa Weldegabriel U.S.A
- Elsa Haddish UK
- Elsa Tekle Germany
- Elsa Haile Canada
- Elsa Amare Gebrhiwet U.S.A
- Elsa Alema Germany
- Ellen Haile UK
- Ellilta Berahane U.S.A
- Ellen Tesfagergish U.S.A
- Elelita Abraha U.S.A
- Estela Pawlino South-Sudan
- EZgaharia Mahray U.S.A
- Fauns Abraham Israel
- Fauns Shishay U.S.A
- Fauns Mehari Israel
- Fatima Adem UK
- Filmawit Tsegay UK
- Filmawit Girmay UK
- Freweyni Desbele Germany
- Freweyni Berahane U.S.A
- Freweyni Kifle Uk
- Freweyni Tesfu UK
- Freweyni Tesfamariam UK
- Freweyni Teklay Italy
- Freweyni Tekle U.S.A
- Fyori Mehari Sweden
- Fyori Tewelde UK
- Fyori Tesfalem Sweden
- Fyori Tesfamariam UK
- Feven Abraham Sweden
- Feven Gidowen Germany
- Feven Kahase UK
- Fikadu Haile UK
- Fikadu Mesfin Israel
- Fithawit Angesom UK
- Gabriel Hussen Sweden
- Gabriela Kidane Norway
- Gabriela Tela Canada
- Geday Ismail UK
- Germawit Gebrhiwet Sweden
- Genet Maharena Sweden
- Genet Mengistu Germany
- Genet Mengistu Italy
- Genet Tsehaye UK
- Genet Beyene Israel
- Genet Habtemichael Switzerland
- Genet Haile UK
- Genet Medhanie Norway
- Genet Gebremeskel Norway
- Genet Gebremedhin Norway
- Genet Gebreselassie Germany
- Genet Gebregziabher U.S.A
- Genet Kidane U.S.A
- Genet Meliake UK
- Genet Ande UK
- Genet Tekia UK
- Genet Tsegay Italy
- Hadas Andemeskel UK
- Hana Yebio Germany
- Hana Fisahaye UK
- Hana Abraha UK
- Hana Tekle U.S.A
- Hana Tsegay Canada
- Hana Michael Germany
- Hani Fisahsion Canada
- Hairnet Berhe UK
- Hadas Haileslassie U.S.A
- Haimanot Tesfamariam Sweden
- Haimanot Gebrekidan Italy
- Haimanot Woldu UK
- Haben Berahane UK
- Hayat Belal UK
- Dr. Haben Ghezai UK
- Hawariyat Beraki Norway
- Hawariyat Gebretsadik Germany
- Hawariyat Haile U.S.A
- Helen Abraham Germany
- Helen Desta U.S.A
- Heaven Yemane UK
- Helen Hailemicheal U.S.A
- Helen Michael U.S.A
- Helen Ghebre Switzerland
- Helen Mesgna Switzerland
- Hewan Desta Israel
- Helen Okubay Israel
- Helen Neguse UK
- Heman Haile UK
- Helen Gebregziabher U.S.A
- Hewan Kiflu Germany
- Hriyti Solomon Sweden
- Hriyti Solomon Sweden
- Hriyti Tekie Germany
- Huria Monsur UK
- Hiwet Wolderupahel UK
- Hiwet Mehtsentu UK
- Hiwet Fitwi UK
- Hiwet Abebe Switzerland
- Hiwet Fisahaye Switzerland
- Hiwet Kibreab Switzerland
- Hiwet Tesfamichael Israel
- Hiwet Hagos Germany
- Hideat Measho UK
- Hideat Tekeste Germany
- Jordanos Habtemichael UK
- Kiberet Woldeysus Germany
- Kiberet Tekle Yossief Italy
- Khadijah Ali UK
- Kheria Adem UK
- Kokob Yohannes Sweden
- Kisanet Abraha UK
- Kidesti Okbahanes Canada
- Kudusan Kifle UK
- Kudusan Debesay Norway
- Kudusan Tesfaselassie UK
- Luchi Gebreselassie U.S.A
- Luchia Kingsley U.S.A
- Lemlem Mohamed Germany
- Lemlem Taere U.S.A
- Lemlem Amanie Norway
- Lemlem Emha Norway
- Lemlem Goitu Canada
- Lemlem Tesfu Canada
- Leteberhan Tesfamichael Uganda
- Leteberhan Melse Sweden
- LeteYohannes Bahta Canada
- Leteberhan Gebrekrestos U.S.A
- Leteay Teklemariam U.S.A
- Legeset Gide U.S.A
- Luwam Goitom UK
- Luwam Mulugeta UK
- Luwam Gebreyseus Canada
- Lula Tesfaezghi U.S.A
- Lula Tesfamariam Canada
- Lucia Aregawi Italy
- Lidia Kifle UK
- Lidia Eseyas U.S.A
- Lidia Fesha Canada
- Liya Kiflemariam UK
- Liya Beyene Germany
- Mana Andemicheal Germany
- Mana Fisahaye U.S.A
- Marta Mebrahtu U.S.A
- Maria Haile U.S.A
- Meaza Michael Norway
- Meaza Teklenicel Germany
- Meaza Oukbu UK
- Meaza Andemicheal Germany
- Mizan Tekle UK
- Mihret Kidane UK
- Merhawit Gebrhiwet Israel
- Merhawit Tsegalem UK
- Merhawit Andemariam Norway
- Merhawit Tecle Israel
- Merhawit Haile Israel
- Merhawit Andehaymanot UK
- Merry Teklab Germany
- Merkeb Negasi UK
- Mebrak Tsegay Mekonnen Italy
- Mebrat Gebremeskel Norway
- Mebrat Asfha Norway
- Medhin Yosief Canada
- Medhin Girmay Sweden
- Medhin Tekle Sweden
- Meron Goitom Canada
- Meseret Mekonen Norway
- Miriam Habtemichael Germany
- Mihret Gebreselassie UK
- Mihret Negasi UK
- Mihret Haile UK
- Mihret Haile U.S.A
- Mihret Tesfay U.S.A
- Millen Tsehaye UK
- Milli Reda Israel
- Mihret Gebrezghber Neguse UK
- Mitslal Kidane U.S.A
- Mitslal Tesfamichael Canada
- Milete Kiflu UK
- Milete Gebrezghber UK
- Milete Yohannes Germany
- Mulu Negasi U.S.A
- Mona Amer UK
- Natsenet Mesfin U.S.A
- Natsenet Musa Sweden
- Natsenet Gebray UK
- Nasera Nour Netherland
- Nazareth Habte Sweden
- Nebiat Yikalo Sweden
- Nebiat Azebha UK
- Nebiat Hagos U.S.A
- Nebiat Habte Norway
- Nebiat Gebremedhin UK
- Nebiat Kifali UK
- Nebiat Sweden
- Nejat Abdu UK
- Nema Abdu UK
- Nigesti Hdru Sweden
- Nigesti Ketema UK
- Nigesti Gulbet Germany
- Niryia Habe Sweden
- Rahel Neguse Germany
- Rezan Michael U.S.A
- Ruta Andeberhan Germany
- Ruth Okbagerizgher Sweden
- Ruth Berahane UK
- Ruta Mengisteab UK
- Ruta Efrem Norway
- Ruta Kidane UK
- Rahwa Asmelash UK
- Rahwa Kifle UK
- Rahwa Tekleberhan Norway
- Rahwa Eyob UK
- Rehaset Bahre Canada
- Dr. Ribqa Sebahtu Italy
- Riam Nasser Switzerland
- Rihistialem Ghebreyesus Switzerland
- Rihisti zerezgi Germany
- Rishan Berahane U.S.A
- Rita Bensen Sweden
- Rigat Bayru U.S.A
- Roma Michael UK
- Rozina Okubay UK
- Sara Abdulrahman UK
- Sara Berahane U.S.A
- Sara Haile U.S.A
- Sara Tewelde UK
- Sara Girmay Sweden
- Sara Andu Norway
- Sara Asgedom U.S.A
- Sara Eyob UK
- Sara Mengisteab UK
- Saba Fisahaye U.S.A
- Saba Asmelash UK
- Saba Asmelash Sweden
- Saba Gobona Israel
- Saba Isaac UK
- Saba Abraha Norway
- Saba Afwerki UK
- Samrawit Tesfay Israel
- Saba Hailu U.S.A
- Samrawit Gebremdehin Sweden
- Samrawit Abraha Germany
- Sebila Kemalu UK
- Sembetu Hagos Netherland
- Samira Telenor Canada
- Samira Kahase UK
- Semhar Tesfay UK
- Semhar Alan Canada
- Semhar Legesse Germany
- Semhar Angesom Germany
- Semhar Gebreselassie Sweden
- Selam Tesfay UK
- Selam Tsehaye UK
- Selam Jimmie Sweden
- Selam Yohannes UK
- Selam Negasi UK
- Selam Asmelash UK
- Selam Gebremichael Norway
- Selam Alem U.S.A
- Selam Mesgun U.S.A
- Selam Tesfaezghi UK
- Selam Guesh Italy
- Selam Gebreselassie Norway
- Selemawit Khasay UK
- Selemawit Angesom UK
- Selemawit Kiros UK
- Selomie Berahane Canada
- Senait Abraham Switzerland
- Senait Asmelash UK
- Senait Beraki UK
- Senait B Sweden
- Senait Berahane UK
- Senait Berahane U.S.A
- Senait Gebrhiwet Israel
- Senait Gelaezghi UK
- Senait Mesgna France
- Senait Gebremeskel UK
- Senait Zerabruk Israel
- Senait Habtemariam Australia
- Senait Keste Sweden
- Senait Kifle Canada
- Senait Gebreselassie U.S.A
- Senait Yamane UK
- Senait Yohannes UK
- Senait Haile Norway
- Senait Habte UK
- Senait Hagos Teklezghi U.S.A
- Senait Temelso UK
- Senait Tekle UK
- Segen Kifle UK
- Sesen Ghezai UK
- Semhar Meliake UK
- Semien Gebremichael U.S.A
- Shushan Desta UK
- Shwet Abraha UK
- Shwet Tsegalem Norway
- Shiwa seyoum Germany
- Simret Ande Sweden
- Simret Teklay Israel
- Simona Tesfaledt U.S.A
- Simret Gebrehawariyat Germany
- Sieddi Ibrahim UK
- Silvana Berahane UK
- Senait Tewelde U.S.A
- Simret Solomon Sweden
- Sisay Haile Norway
- Sisay Kahin UK
- Srnay Duri Israel
- Stela Yosief Australia
- Stela Pawlino South Sudan
- Tahgas Tekle Denmark
- Tblets Andemariam Norway
- Teabe Issac Germany
- Tereza Yosief UK
- Tereza Tewelde Italy
- Tembiet Mehari Germany
- Tigesti Tebeb Sweden
- Tigesti Khasay U.S.A
- Tigesti Bahta Italy
- Tirhas Teklay Sweden
- Tirhas Eyob Norway
- Tirhas Teklemariam Sweden
- Tirhas Gebrhiwet Israel
- Tirhas Gebrhiwet U.S.A
- Tirhas Gebray U.S.A
- Tirhas Abraham Norway
- Tirhas Shishay U.S.A
- Tirhas Berahane Norway
- Tirhas Teame Israel
- Tirhas Ghezai Gide Norway
- Tirhas Oukbaledet UK
- Tirhas Yohannes Germany
- Tsigereda Fisahsion Norway
- Tsigereda Solomon UK
- Tsigereda Berahane Norway
- Tsigereda Sebahtu Germany
- Tsigereda Mengistu Germany
- Tsigehana Yohannes UK
- Tsigewayni Gebrezghi UK
- Tsigewayeini Tekle U.S.A
- Tsige Beyene Sweden
- Tsige Mengesha UK
- Tsiege Rezene Sweden
- Tsige Gabriel UK
- Tsige Hagos UK
- Tsige Hagos UK
- Tsenat Zeray Norway
- Tsega Debresion UK
- Tsega Andegergish U.S.A
- Tsega Berahane Israel
- Tsega Tewelde Germany
- Tsigewayeini Gebrezghi UK
- Tsegalem Abai Norway
- Tsiege Hagos UK
- Tsiege Hagos UK
- Tsega Goitom UK
- Tsega Isaac Sweden
- Tsega Tekle U.S.A
- Tsega Hagos Canada
- Tsehaytu Zerae Germany
- Uqba Girmay Germany
- Weyini Gebremeskel UK
- Weyini Ghebreyesus Sweden
- Weyini Mebrahtu Sweden
- Weyini Kiflom Sweden
- Weyini Abraha Italy
- Winta Abraha UK
- Winta Berahane U.S.A
- Yihdega Reta U.S.A
- Yergalem Fishasion Italy
- Yergalem Teklehaimanot Canada
- Yeshi Temesgen UK
- Yordanos Isak Sweden
- Yordanos Zerabruk Netherland
- Yordanos Michael Sweden
- Yordanos Habtemariam Norway
- Yordanos Tesfay U.S.A
- Yordanos Gebremeskel U.S.A
- Yorsalem Haile France
- Yorsalem Gebrhiwet Italy
- Yorsalem Girmay Canada
- Yorsalem Habtom Norway
- Yorsalem Fisahaye Norway
- Yodit Kidane UK
- Yodit Embaye USA
- Yodit Tekle UK
- Yodit A. Gebrekidan U.S.A
- Yodit Gebremeskel Canada
- Yohana Girmay UK
- Verónica Solomon U.S.A
- Zayed Tesfat Israel
- Zayed Solomon Sweden
- Zayed Woldu UK
- Zainab Mussa UK
- Zewdialem Beraki UK
- Zewdie Deres UK
- Zewdie Debas UK
- Zewdie Tesfamariam Switzerland
- Zebib Habtemariam Norway
Thank you for being insightful and solidaristic with your Tigrean families. What is happening in Tigray is a way to eliminate the culture of Tigrigna-speaking people in the region. Abiy wants to destroy the Abesynian hegemony and the Coptic religion in the area. Isaias is only driven by hate and vengeance. He is a 100 % sadist. Believe me, there is no way they can escape the hooks of Jeneva convection, they will be in the court soon.
Sad time for Tigray
The war on Tigray is a war of vengence and cruelty. The conspiracy against Tigray - Abiy and the Amharas with their long-running tribal and political animosity towards Tigray, Isaias with his desire to exact revenge. They all wanted their “pound of flesh” in this war of atrocities. The Eritrean women and their statement “not-in-our-name” is an expression of decency and humanity. As someone from Tigray I want to say, thank you for your voice and that you care. I believe that the people to people connection, the things that connect them will always be there.