Building Democracy in Eritrea: 2020 Conference

You can see the full announcement here:Building Democracy in Eritrea 2020 Virtual Conference dates announced

Dear Friends, I trust this finds you well.

You will recall from our last communication that the physical conference scheduled for 5-6th June 2020 has had to be postponed due to the Covid -19 pandemic, whereas our plans for the virtual conference are now set to go ahead at the end of June.

Virtual Conference 29th June - 3rd July 2020

The virtual conference will be held over five days, commencing Monday 29th June, with each session lasting up to three hours. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the number of participants is likely to be limited and may only be open to members of the expert groups with additional participants co-opted as necessary. However, we aim to ensure maximum inclusivity through the consultation process (see below).

Conference Papers

We have been working proactively on organising the virtual conference over the last few weeks, and have asked each of the expert group to submit their final paper by Friday 22nd May. There has been good progress on the papers over the last 15 months and we are confident the finals will be submitted by the deadline. The papers will then be consolidated into a single transition plan draft blueprint for scrutiny at the virtual conference, and circulated to all.

Consultations in July - September

Following on from the virtual conference at the end of June, the blueprint will be refined ahead of public consultation, which we hope to start in late July. The consultation will take the form of Open University style online lectures over a period of two to three months. Individuals and interested groups will be able to send their feedback by email, which we will then reflect into the near-final blueprint as appropriate.

End of Year Conference (date tbc)

The near-final blueprint will be presented at a physical conference that we plan to hold towards the end of this year and we hope to have the document finalised for publication and dissemination shortly after that.

Further updates will be sent in due course.

If you have any questions please send these to:

[email protected]

Best wishes.

Habte Hagos Eritrea Focus


  1. All elites and spectra of the Eritrean people must participate in writing the constitution and focus on the unity of the Eritrean people, safeguard its borders and work to establish a principle: freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, human rights .

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