Abiy and Issias are planning a new offensive against Tigray
(Asmara 26/01/2021) Arbi Harnet (Freedom Friday) sources inside Eritrea are warning that preparations are nearing completion for a renewed offensive in Tigray.
The offensive is being finalised, with commanders being informed that this will be the ‘final’ offensive to annihilate the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).
Our sources say this ‘final’ offensive is being launched in the light of increasing pressure from the international community to halt the war.
There are grave concerns that any such attack will make the humanitarian disaster in the region infinitely worse than it already is.
There are fears for the millions caught up in the war, including tens of thousands of Eritrean refugees, who are already in a precarious situation inside Tigray.
Our sources have reports that Eritrean soldiers have been trying to escape the war as best they can.
Some, on being sent to the frontline, are seeking refuge in Sudan while others are deserting to seek safety once they reached Tigray.
To try to halt this many troops - and particularly women soldiers from the 17th and 61 brigades - have been stationed in Humera to prevent Eritrean troops crossing into Sudan.
Till now 😂 there is no exact information about the Eritrean troops that crossed the border to Sudan, but they were in Tigrai I am sure of they are participating in the war
It is a lazy cry, There is no war against tigray.
It is against TPLF, who destabilized ethiopia as a whole. These mercinaries have led ethiopia for 30 yrs for nothing.
We see the problem they created allover the country.
Stop CRYING and don’t MIX TPLF and TIGRAY.
#tplf is #tigrepeople and #tigrepeople are #tplf. Peroid!
As to the progress #tple made all over the country, go and visit #jigjiga the capital city of the - long marginalized - #somali-ethiopian.
Surely, that will suffice as a simple prove.
I beg to differ.
All the accusations against the TPLF was a an excuse to rob,
Humiliate, rape and kill the larger TIgray people.
You know as I do the deep hatred that was perpetuated by the so called activist and the criminal Eritrean government led to this humanitarian disaster.
TNW will rise again. Have no doubt.
Never again!!!!!
Well Eritrea must ensure that Tigray won’t rise again and retaliate.Every armed must be annihilated to avert future danger of revenge.
Tigray is Ethiopia and will arise with all Ethiopian regions
Too late. The seed has been planted and you better hope you don’t stand in the way.
Tplf &Tigray people are the same. In Eritrea it is the vise-Versa. You know it, you harvest what you sow.your words revenge &retaliate. I hope not but does not surprise me.
Eritrean soldiers will pay heavy price late on for what they have done to the innocent people of Tigray their government is savage his soldiers are savages of the century criminals, killers.But,we will do the same on them and to their families soon .
I wonder how we can trust you people? On one side you say Eritreans are our siblings and they are supporting us and on the other side your are showing your true nature and hatred against Eritrea. you have already shown your hatred against us back in 1997-2000 looting our belonging destroying our martyr’s cemetery killing our people raping our sister’s… but again we wish the war will end soon but do not ever try to play with fire you know us very well,. The moment you try to hurt Eritrea it will be your last breath. And don’t make things worse just try to calm things.
We are part of the world!
Hidding the war crime commited on the Tigray people should be stoped by any means. the world need to open its eyes and ears to see and hear the voice coming from the victems of its own people from its own corner.
Tigrians believed that we are part of the world with all its rights and dueties. our brothers and sisters are working for the world.we still are interested to contribute our parts too. There still are tigrian origions serving the world. The world knows very well what Meles Zenawi thought about the world climate issue and delivered to the world, what the honarable dr. Thedros Adhanome gebreyesus is doing, Athelets like of Letesenbet Gidey, Hagos Gebretsadik, Gebregziabher Gebremariam, Abadi Hadush, Worknesh Kidane etc did.
We are part of the world with the name of Ethiopia which is committing crime against us. Working too hard to eliminate ignoring all the contributions Tigray and tigrians did to the old nation without notion called Ethiopia, to Africa, and to the World. which is and was a suitable home for all the world religions more than their oregoin. Axum and Al Nejashi are the living witnesses Tigray contributed t0 the World, Africa and Ethiopia. None of them is able to denay for such gifts from that very Regions native residents.
We still are part of the world.
Yes! We are part of the world.
The world need to feel the pain being applied on the 0.1% worlds population which is going to be wiped by the war torn in Tigray and Tigrians living in other parts of the country. All possible war types are being waged there for the last ninty plus days. Full scale millitary opration supported by Eritrean and somalian troops deployment, Blockad of All communication means. No roads to scape, No telephone line to call for help, No power to coock, No banking to get money to buy food. They darkened the whole region parallel to the artillary coverage they waged against the above mentioned size of population. Bullets are not the only means to kill but also the starvation. There is no any medication service. Mothers and children are died and daying due to lack of simple treatments. These all are means of elliminating options on such a people who believed that we are part of the world.
The Tigray people is now knocking the world to see and hear what is being done on a dark side hidden by the criminals against the very humble and faith full populatin of the region. WE STILL BELIEVE THAT WE ARE PART OF THE WORLD and the world should to stop the war being waged against the whole region.
Mezgebe Kassa