Breaking: the war in Tigray crumbling before PM Abiy and President Isaias as TDF re-enters Mekelle

In a rapidly developing situation there are reports that Tigrayan Defence Force troops are marching back into Mekelle - a city they were forced to abandon on 28 November 2020.

This morning Mekelle saw an Antonov aircraft land. Troops removed money from the banks, to be flown to Addis.

Then the government appointed administration left their posts, abandoning the city to its fate.

Ethiopian troops were reported to have left the prisons, with prisoners escaping.

Finally Ethiopian troops abandoned the city itself, leaving the way open for the TDF.

Meanwhile, there are credible reports that the Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, met western diplomats on Sunday and offered a comprehensive ceasefire in Tigray.

The western diplomats are said to have called for all Eritrean troops to leave and for talks to be opened with Tigray’s elected government.




  1. I salute the people of Tigray, particularly their women and daughters! No more Dewta! The task should be: Crossing Mereb.

  2. What is the use of United Ethiopia. When TPLF was in power they didn’t push for strong autonomy for other regions. They brutalized Oromos and others for demanding autonomy.
    Now, they are not in control of the central govt, in Addis, they are pushing for more power for the regions.

    Let Tigray go. They don’t contribute revenue to the country. It is more emotional and historical or Ethiopia. It is a poor region and have nothing as GDP. They rely on the central government for everything. So Ethiopia should let them go

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