European Union calls for a de-escalation of Tigray crisis, after talks with AU and region

Source: European Union

Ethiopia: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on the latest developments

Brussels, 09/11/2020 - 15:31, UNIQUE ID: 201109_14
Statements by the HR/VP

“Over the past days, I have been holding talks to support efforts to restore peace and political dialogue in Ethiopia.

During my talks with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, I conveyed the EU’s concern for the risks to the integrity of the country and the stability of the wider region should the current situation endure. In this regard, I have offered the support of the EU for any action contributing to de-escalation of tensions, return to dialogue and securing rule of law throughout Ethiopia.

In talks with Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, of Sudan, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and with Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, I renewed the EU’s support to any initiative of IGAD and the African Union to address the situation.

Additional consultations have occurred with other partners in the wider region and will continue.

Stability in the region remains a priority for the European Union.”


  1. I appreciate EU for paying attention in Ethiopian internal affair. It is also important to understand that the cause of Ethiopian peoblems (starvation, Migration, Civil war, Tribal conflict) for the last 50 years is caused mainly by TPLF. I hope you followed up Abiy’s addminstration effort in order to resolve the difference via dialogue.

    Most of Ethiopian were blaming PM Abiy for not taking apprepriate measures against those thugs for the irrisponsible measure the took agaist their own people that could destabilise the country and lead to civil war.
    These thugs should be brought to justice for being trecherous.
    Finally we Ethiopian like to live in peace with our neighbors.
    Egypt has to stop whinging too much. We are serious and determind to use our own water.

  2. European union Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict has killed more than one thousand, and displaced thousands more. poor people. Ukraine’s conflict,unresolved why not concentrate there in. Because anytime European union in African conflict problems ,that problems will aggravate. Look in Mali, look at Libya.And this region is very vulnerable because ,Eritrea, Somalian etc.Stop meddling into people’s problems people you never consider as equals.

  3. European union Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict has killed more than one thousand, and displaced thousands more. poor people. Ukraine’s conflict,unresolved why not concentrate there in. Because anytime European union in African conflict problems ,that problems will aggravate. Look in Mali, look at Libya.And this region iare very vulnerable because ,Eritrea, Somalian etc.Stop meddling into people’s problems people you never consider as equals.

  4. The time is now to stop the war , to stop bombing to innocent people of tigray. yuo must address that abiyi Ahmed is e dictator he is a killer

  5. Thank you European Union,

    This is not a war against TPLF although Abiy and some derg remnants specifically of the Amhara ethnic group in collaboration with Eritrean government has started the genocide of Tigrayan people in 21th century. The ethnic cleansing have wider implication in the future stability of Ethiopia and the wider region including the European union.

    The evil action of Abiy Ahmed is going to starve millions of Tegrau as banks, transportation, electricity, internet and phone line is closed.But I am sure Abiy will not win this war rather it will devastate the whole country for the years to come. The only way forward is pressuring Abiy Ahmed to come to the table and solving the ideological differences before it is too late.

  6. We Ethiopians need peace and security, but due to some political group we always live in tensions. Thanks for your concern, if UN really wanted our peace being those hid in Tigray ethnic

  7. It is also important to understand that the cause of Ethiopian peoblems (starvation, Migration, Civil war, Tribal conflict) for the last 50 years is caused mainly by TPIF to come end era those evil dies

  8. This is not a civil war, just like the other nations do we are determined to eliminate the terrorist groups that instigated the recent massacre in the Oromia region, doing inhumane things for political power, spread information that creates instability and divisions in the country, creating neighbouring country military uniforms to make it look like they attacked the northern army, befriending a foreign enemy and the list goes on and on. And I would kindly ask the EU what would they do if this was in their country… yes we are doing the same.

  9. Where were all of you mentioned above for like 3 decades when the Ethiopian people really needed you? When we were being killed, being tortured, being humiliated and purposely targeted for our ethnicity? Where were you when they been doing a lot of work dividing our united and loving peaceful country? This isn’t the right time for anyone to intervene. This time we are getting rid of our countries long enemy.. this is the time we finally get some peace and you want to help the group who made our beloved country a living hell? It seems like you people don’t want African countries to be happy and at peace because if you did you would actually help the Ethiopian Government and her people instead if trying to help a very bad and harmful terrorist group . I suggest you check your facts before meddling in anyone’s problem …because we needed you like 3 decades ago …I’m sure there are other countries that need your help so help them and let us deal with our problems which we are doing. Thank you.

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