Source: Adoulis
[Computer translation]
A number of Eritrean opposition organizations are participating in preparatory meetings to establish a broad frontal political and military entity in order to overthrow the regime in Asmara.
According to private sources, Adulis said that the consultations taking place in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, are led by the former defense minister and the historical military leader of the former Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, Mesfin Haqos, and the former UN ambassador and diplomat, Haile Mankerios.
Hagos leads the “Eritrean Unity” organization, which came into existence in February 2020 as a result of the unity of three opposition organizations.
According to these sources, the consultations are expected to result in the establishment of a military entity consisting of a number of military wings with direct regional support as a result of the repercussions of the regime’s policies in Eritrea towards neighboring countries and the military intervention in the Ethiopian-Ethiopian conflict.
Note that all attempts to damage the experience of the Eritrean organizations have stumbled and have not had the desired success.
The Eritreans have no experience of Democracy. They seem to be under constant subjucation to dictators. Isaias knows the population very well. He continues to passivise them without any hard oposition from any. They have a lot to learn from the Tigrians whom they underestimate without any reason at all. I find many eritreans to be of big mouth but little courage.
Isayas tried the strategy of the boiling frog and damaged the social fabric there no social trust and every one is fleeing the country. Without outside help the removal of the regime is real hard .
spending Your tme . Running to be come servant of Komalat Looooool.
If any of the past politicians in Eritrea wishes to stand before the people and tries to gain trust, needs first of all to accomplish two things in my opinion.
A) Acknowledge the errors of the past that led to a dictatorship and assume responsibility for it.
B) Present sincerely an apology to the people of Eritrea. And demonstrate hambleness and care for the people.
If any of the past politicians in Eritrea wishes to stand before the people and tries to gain trust, needs first of all to accomplish two things in my opinion.
A) Acknowledge the errors of the past that led to a dictatorship and assume responsibility for it.
B) Present sincerely an apology to the people of Eritrea, and demonstrate hambleness and genuine care for the people.
If any of the past politicians in Eritrea wishes to stand before the people in an attempt to gain trust, in my opinion needs first of all to accomplish two important things:
A) Acknowledge the errors of the past that led to the dictatorship therefore assume responsibility for it.
B)Present a sincere apology to the people of Eritrea, and demonstrate a genuine care and respect for the people.
It is one thing not to fight against the dictator from within Eritrea but it disturbs me to know that Eritrean diaspora has done nothing over the last 30 years to have him removed from power.
Here, I rest my case. I have been expressing that Eritrean failure is invalidity of the old-Oppositions that came about to denounce Ethiopia to be a Christian country. Mesfin Hagos, Haile Merkorios are new-oppositions, that came to be after the exigence of Eritrea, having taken consideration of the negative context of Eritrea. Now I can proceed to my other project.