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[Insert your address here]
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Geneve 2 Depot
Dear Mr Grandi,
I am writing to you to express my deep concern for the fate of the almost 100,000 Eritrean refugees in camps in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray. As you are aware, they are now caught up in the fighting and in immediate peril.
The refugees fled from Eritrea to escape the oppressive conditions inside the country and an indefinite conscription that all Eritreans are subjected to. Most are now living in four United Nations-sponsored camps, Hitsats, Mai-Aini, Adi-Harush and Shemelba, under the official protection of the UNHCR. Others live in the community; some in villages, some in towns.
There are many reports that Eritrean troops are fighting alongside Ethiopian armed forces. It would appear that the Ethiopian government has allowed Eritrean military to take control of the Eritrean citizens in Tigray. We have heard credible reports that thousands of refugees have been rounded up as their camps were overrun. It is understood that refugees were removed at gunpoint from the Shimelba and Hitsats camps and Shire town and are being forcibly returned to Eritrea. If deported to Eritrea they face severe punishment and may even be killed. Additionally, there are concerning reports that the troops destroyed all UNHCR records and seized all medicines. Communications with the refugees is extremely difficult, but we have a reliable report of a mother seeing her own son on a bus inside Eritrea, being taken in the direction of Asmara. He was previously a refugee in a UNHCR camp in Shimelba, Tigray.
When you were in Sudan you expressed your concern at the fate of the Eritrean refugees after hearing reports that they faced abduction. You are quoted as saying that if the refugees were being forcibly returned to Eritrea it “would be major violations of international norms.” You went on to say that: “It is my strong appeal for the Prime Minister of Ethiopia for this situation to be addressed as a matter of urgency.”
The Ethiopian Government is directly responsible to UNHCR for the safety of refugees. Under international law the Ethiopian Government must ensure the safety of all refugees in its care, and is responsible for preventing any criminal acts against them. We urge you to raise the issue with the Ethiopian government without delay, and seek assistance from international partners if required. We cannot allow Eritrean men, women and children to be refouled to Eritrea, where they face imprisonment, torture and worse.
I call on you to act without delay to secure the safety of these vulnerable people.
Yours faithfully,
[Name here and sign above]
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United National High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Geneve 2 Depot
Dear Mr Grandi,
I am writing to you to express my deep concern for the fate of the almost 100,000 Eritrean refugees in camps in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray. As you are aware, they are now caught up in the fighting and in immediate peril.
Yours Faithfull
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Dear Mr.Grandi,
I am ascamed the way HCR is handling the problem of Eritreans,the same of Tigrains. This Diabolic job was prepared from long time and the UN, knows everything, before anything happen in a Country,or in the Continents.
But,when there is upper hand of economy/ Geopolitical interest,no budy cares about the poor people.
Look, about Hong Kong, because of the up sited, all theses ( Democratic Countries ) began to shout, by all means ( deux poid et deux mesures ).
But,I am optimist, time will come, we will remember, who is who ).