This decision comes as there are unconfirmed reports of military movements along the Ethiopia/Eritrea border. The TPLF leadership appears to be heading for a clash with the government in Addis Ababa just as tension with Asmara is increasing.
Tigrai Online May 30, 2020
TPLF’s statment calls upon all Ethiopians and international institutions, especially IGAD, African Union, United Nations to stop the breakdown of the constitutional order in Ethiopia.
During its meeting of May 23 to 30, 2020, the Central Committee of the TPLF discussed the rapidly changing conditions around the world, including in our sub-region and country, which are issues of peace and security of our regional state [Tigiray], the risks of the coronavirus pandemic and its prevention, the process of building a democratic order, the achievements of the government and the party, as well as ongoing changes in administrative areas.
WHEREAS, the new global reality that is unfolding following the coronavirus pandemic or Covid-19 is a testament to the necessity of the democratic developmental state;
WHEREAS, by monopolize state power during the transition to satisfy its narrow self-interest without due consideration to the interest of the people, the puppet clique of Prosperity [Party] has, from the beginning, continued the path of destruction instead of preparing itself due to the new global realities and threats and capitalizing and continuing on the incredible democratic and developmental successes of 20 Ginibot, which was achieved through popular struggle and self-sacrifices;
WHEREAS, by positioning in the front lines those who are inspired by hate or have sold their dignity and professional accountability for temporary handouts in order to be accepted as tools of the regime, and by openly defying the Constitution and declaring its intention to stay in power [past its constitutional mandate], the ‘Prosperity’ clique could not even wait and pretend to hear from the rubber-stamp institutions who were expected to decide [in its own favour];
WHEREAS, it is easy for everyone to imagine how difficult it is for us to achieve the goals of sustainable growth and fight against the threat of the coronavirus pandemic in a country with a government led by such a clique rushing to destruction;
WHEREAS, by being ready to sell the sovereignty and fundamental interests of the country, and by defying the Constitutional order as well as all kinds of pre-existing laws and conventionally accepted governing practices, and in addition to deciding to remain in power [beyond its constitutional mandate], it has progressed to declaring war on those that are following the Constitutional order;
WHEREAS, it is obvious that the threats and conspiracies of this regime will impact neither our path nor our popular struggle, but only increase our determination and will-power; it has become clear to all that ‘Prosperity’ is ready to disregard the interests of the country and all its peoples in favour of its narrow self-interest;
WHEREAS, we have confirmed that our people have stepped up their staying power and struggle against the continued attacks of the regime as they have always known that their existence and interests solely depend on their strength and the righteousness of their cause as evidenced in their history and the Struggle;
WHEREAS, expressing its highest esteem and admiration of the determined and continued struggle of our people, TPLF [is confident that our people], as was true in our history yesterday and today, will follow up on and implement the resolutions that we will continue to pass based on our in-depth analysis of situations;
WHEREAS, because of the dynamic struggle that we are conducting in the areas of peace, development and democracy, we are registering results that have become beacons of hope and that will lay the ground work for the next achievements,.. we know very well that there are still many areas that [the needs of] our people have not been satisfied;
WHEREAS, everyone, especially our people, are aware that the regime and its followers, who have found out that a head-on collision with our people and their ruling party is like a head-on collision with iron, have turned to a coordinated campaign mainly by spreading false information through the media and by dispatching mercenaries in order to destroy our internal peace and stop our developmental efforts thereby throwing us to extreme darkness;
WHEREAS, being in a challenging situation like this and affirming the need, on the one hand, to step up our all-encompassing resistance and, on the other hand, to realize quick development and good governance, and calling for the urgent actions of our people, our entire structure, as well as every force that is friendly to peace and development; and
WHEREAS, the Central Committee of the TPLF adopts the resolutions of the Executive Committee of the TPLF from its meeting of May 1 to 3, 2020;
- Decides that the fight against the coronavirus shall continue as has been done until now based on strict analysis of new developments, specific conditions of our regional state and scientific information to save the lives of our people and to reduce the impact on our people’s livelihood;
- Calls upon the ‘Prosperity’ clique not only to stop the use of funds snatched from the livelihood of the poor and development projects for the purpose of rocking the country from one corner to the other, using documentary films as its tool for calling for genocide, the violation of rights, acting against public interest, and using money to amass power; but also to abandon the path of destruction and to inter into reasonable dialogue with and ensuring the participation of all stakeholders based on the provisions of the Constitution and, before it is too late, stop the breakdown of the Constitutional order;
- Calls, again, with full preparation and public health safeguarding measures, the conducting of the national election run by a neutral body based on the provisions of the Constitution;
- Emphasizes that voting whether nationally or regionally is a Constitutionally-guaranteed right secured by the high price of the lives of thousands but it is not charitable goods left to the whims of a parvenu dictator with unchecked lust for power; the people of Tigiray have already secured their right for self-determination by their sacrifice and under no circumstances will they tolerate subjugation whether committed on them or upon other peoples; at no time or under no circumstances will the people of Tigiray negotiate the rights that they have secured through their sacrifices nor will there be any political force that will roll back the implementations of these rights;
Decides that, since, in furtherance to its usual practice, the dictatorial clique that is in charge of the federal government has amplified its continued trampling of the rights of peoples, in order to implement the right of self-determination that our people secured through their sacrifice without asking anyone’s permission, as recognized in our Constitution and in international laws, the preparation for the election in the regional state shall continue unabated as provided by law;
Recognizes that the decision to hold elections in Tigiray is being made at a time when the process of the dissolution of the Constitutional order and the disintegration of the country is approaching its final chapter due to the nature of the ‘Prosperity’ clique; even now it is incumbent upon all nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia to escalate their struggle in order not to lose the Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of self-determination and self-administration;
Calls upon the world community to understand [the situation] and play a positive role. - Emphasizes that, as if the ‘Prosperity’ clique’s illegal measures and conspiracies in order not to hold elections and to extend its grip on power were not enough, the leader of the ‘Prosperity’ clique has, in his utter disregard for basic rights and peoples’ right for self-determination, publicly declared war following our party’s Executive [Committee]’s decision to uphold the rule of law and the continuation of order by holding elections at the level of [the Regional State of] Tigiray because ‘Prosperity’ was working on canceling the election; it is a known fact that the people of Tigiray neither bow to the threat of war and war drums nor do they give up their rights;
Reminds the peoples of Ethiopia and the world community that it is the ‘Prosperity’ clique and its leader that will take the sole responsibility for any catastrophe resulting from their irresponsible adventures and declaration of war. - Decides that the leadership in all levels shall work with a great sense of responsibility and urgency to expedite developmental projects and the development of democratic culture and changes in [public] administration; with all our people and all structures of the government and the party, step up the struggle to resist the extremely malicious aims of the forces of ‘Prosperity’, its enablers and mercenaries who are intent on dragging us into lawlessness and destruction.
- Decides to expeditiously step up to a higher level the relationship with national or regional political forces that are willing to work together to achieve meaningful change on the right of self-determination and self-administration, the security of our people, the realization of peace, and the development of a democratic culture; and Believes that understanding the necessity of the continuation of a Constitutional order and government, you will continue on and step up your peaceful and legal movement in order to play your part in ensuring it.
Dear people of Tigiray: We call upon the people of Tigiray, especially the youth, to ensure your readiness for struggle and to organize to peacefully and legally resist the illegal ‘Prosperity’ clique’s path of expediency and warmongering intended to dismantle our people’s rights of self-determination and self-administration,
We call upon our people with the highest priority to fight the coronavirus pandemic by understanding the impact it can have on our existence and the struggle and by following the advice of experts and instructions from the government,
In order to ensure our existence, peace and development, we again call upon our people to increase your productivity by shouldering the challenges you are facing.
Dear members of our party TPLF and its leadership at all levels:
We call upon you to play your leading role and to continue to lead by example even more in the comprehensive struggle to save our people by clearly understanding the resolve and sacrifice that the scenario we are in demands of you.
Dear members of civic societies and institutions:
We call upon you to continue with the utmost urgency in the resistance activities, in general, and in achieving a successful election, in particular, understanding that today, as was yesterday, there is no force more concerned about your peace, development and democracy than yourselves.
Dear nations, nationalities and peoples of our country:
We call upon you to continue on and step up the struggle against persecution, the violation of human rights, oppression, tyranny and all-encompassing economic pressure; TPLF affirms its solidarity with you today, as yesterday, in your struggle for basic rights, justice and equality.
Dear members of the House of Federation of our country:
We call upon you to assume your historic responsibility to stop the already started action of tearing the Constitution by clearly understanding the risk for the breakup of the country and extermination.
Constitutionally established institutions and regions of our country:
We call upon you to follow a path that gives priority to the people and respects the Constitution, and to refrain from participating in the breakdown of the Constitutional order.
Respected political entities, especially legal parties and stakeholders active in Tigiray:
We call upon you to save yourselves from being judged guilty by law and by history by judiciously and insightfully studying the evident conditions and by assuming your responsibility to stop the destructive path taken by the ‘Prosperity’ clique.
Dear supporters of our struggle and peoples of neighbouring countries, especially people of Eritrea:
We call upon you to continue on and step up our struggle and cooperation today, as was yesterday, to solve our common problems.
Respected international institutions, especially IGAD, African Union, United Nations, and other concerned entities:
We call upon you to play a positive role with the highest sense of responsibility and with the best of information and evidence to [stop] the disturbing human rights violations and the breakdown of the constitutional order and the country.
Eternal Honour and Glory to Our Martyrs!
Happy Celebration of 20 Ginibot!
We Shall Defend Ourselves Grounded on Principle!
May 2020, Meqhele
Translated from Tigirinya by Liul Kahhisay
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